Slice 153

534 123 11

A : Shivaay. I asked you a simple thing.

S : Didn't you eat a lot at dinner earlier ?

A : Generally speaking, a single serving of lasagna is pretty small. By the way, I didn't eat that much earlier. All I had was one plate of—-

S : One plate of chicken lasagna, one caramel delight donut, one vanilla ice cream with sprinkles. And not to forget, you sprayed the whipped cream inside your mouth. Twice.

Annika stared at him.

A : You're rude. Now, will you cook the maggie or not ?

S : No.

A : Double rude. Cook the maggie. If not, I won't carry your child inside my womb.

S : Our son is sleeping in his bedroom.

A : Triple rude. And, I'm not talking about our son. I mean, in future I won't carry your child.

S : Oh! So you got plans ?

A : Fourable rude.

S : You mean quadruple ?

A : Whatever quarter! You'll cook the maggie or not ?

S : No.

A : Fine. I don't want it either. And, stop blinking like a—-like a—-like a b—-

S : Baby ?

A : Baby, my foot! You're anything in the word 'B' but baby.

S : Oh ho! When it can be billuji, bhaghadbilla. Why not baby ?

A : Okay then. Add this too.

S : What ? Bae ? Babe ? Baby ?

A : Bitch.

S : Annika!

Gratitude, Love Comrade.

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