Chapter 10:

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I was walking in park, just beside the bench, where Jake and I held hands for the first time.
Many people were around, but mostly .. Friends from school, And wow, Katherine was there. And surprisingly Principal Devlin..

Everyone was having a great time, then I saw Jake!! Walking towards me again...
My heart was beating, I was surprised and very happy to see him.

Turns out that Principal Devlin held a School Outing in the park..

Well, anyway, Jake sat beside me on the same bench, he was sad, he looked so depressed and confused, to me... It was like.. He was afraid to tell me something.

I comforted him... I talked to him and handled this situation as gently as I can, he looked into my eyes and said that he loved me, and that he always will.

Then suddenly by just few seconds, it was like the whole world stopped .. And we were the only ones there...
He gently touched my cheeks, reached down to my chin and when he was about to kiss me.............. Principal Yvan started laughing and clapping.....

(Everyone watched as the dramatic scene went by)

She said : Ohh Jake, that was fantastic! Well done
Jake looked at Principal Yvan ....
And said: Please just stop this now! I've had enough with your plans.

Me: Jake? What plans? What do you mean??
Principal Yvan: Ohh dear, you didn't tell her?

(Jake was just speechless)

Me: tell me what??
Principal Yvan: Well, what are you awaiting for Jake? Go ahead and tell her ....

(Jake was still speechless)

Principal Yvan: Fine if you won't tell her, then I will

Principal Yvan: Jake is MY SON, your so called relationship was a BIG LIE

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