(encanto)a rat ritual

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the madrigal family was known for being the family that helped there community thanks to the gifts each of them had.

but many of them didnt see bruno and mirabel very useful for the community.

bruno was able to see the future,but mostly saw bad things that made people mad.

while mirabel didnt get a gift at all.

she also had a twin brother,miles.

he was able to see into the future like bruno,but not that well.

and no one knew this yet,but the father of the triplets,pedro madrigal had a gift.

he was the first madrigal to ever had a gift.

he was able to make miracles happen.

to many people,he just seemed like a good luck charm to them.

which is why he never told anyone about this,not even alma.

even if he is reunited with his family,he still didnt tell them.

but thats his own little secret.

right now,he was spending time with his family.

everyone started to notice something was going on.

pedro,bruno and miles have been acting very different.

well,more dfferent than usual.

since,the 3 of them were rat men.

well,pedro is an old rat man,bruno is a rat man and miles is a rat boy.

alma: everyone,today i have held a meeting about pedro,bruno and miles.

pepa: i guess that explains why there not here.

alma: they been acting strange.

julieta: yes,they have been very secretive about something.

anya: they wont tell us anything at all,and i mean nothing at all.

dolores: i havent really payed attention to them at all,i have earplugs now.

felix: you do,when?

dolores: before they started this.

agustin: they must have done that so dolores wouldnt hear them.

antonio: i know whats going on.

they all stare at antonio.

antonio: i know where they are right now,so follow me.

he jumps off his chair and start to walk somewhere.

and they followed him.

antonio:'moves a picture,it was the one of a younger pedro'

it reveals a hole behind it,that wasnt there before.

alma: they must have made this,lets go in it.

they all went to the hole,and they saw the walls starting to look a bit neat.

they noticed some candles on the ground,it had salt and sugar around it.

they see a giant circle made out of salt and sugar.

they also had a few things on it.

they see pedro,bruno and miles in cloaks and holding candles.

in the middle was a few rats.

anya:.........what the actual f### is going on right now?

the 3 men,well 2 men and one boy jumped seeing them.

pedro: they found us,quick scram!

they went on all fours and started to run like rats.

anya quickly caught bruno and miles,while alma caught pedro.


pedro,bruno and miles:'sitting on chairs as they all were looking at the ground'

alma: i want to know,what were you 3 doing?

pedro: we were doing a ritual.....

bruno: but dont worry! it was for a good cause!

alma: and what would that cause be that you didnt want to tell us?

antonio: the rats were pregnant,they did it to make sure the babies were healthy.

they all stare at antonio.

antonio: i heard the rats talking about them being pregnant.

alma: and why didnt you want you tell us when they started to act strange?

antonio: i didnt want to be a snitch like dolores.

dolores: im not a snitch!

they notice that pedro,bruno and miles were gone.

alma:'sighs'lets go find them again.

it was difficult to have 3 men who were rat men.

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