(httyd)little haddock

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hiccup knew he had bad luck since he was a little kid,but this is one of the most unluckiest things that ever happened.

he was cornered by ryker and viggo,they were in the middle of a battle.

he got separated from the other riders and his dragon,so he was alone.

ryker: any last words?

then smoke appears around hiccup.

ryker: um viggo,did you forget to mention this?

viggo: this never happened before.

then,they saw something,a little kid around 2 years old.

the little kid looked exactly like hiccup,which confused them.

hiccup:'looks at them'

then he started to cry from fear.

viggo:'picks up hiccup'hey,its ok little one your ok.

ryker:'raises an eyebrow'

hiccup: w-where am i?

viggo: your on an island right now.

hiccup: w-where's my daddy? i want my daddy!

viggo: its ok,we'll find your father and return you home.

hiccup:'snuggles close to him'

ryker: viggo,what are we suppose to do with him?

viggo: keep him until we can find the other riders.

ryker: were not keeping him.

viggo: he isnt a pet brother.

hiccup:'sleeping,his head was on viggo chest,snoring softly'

viggo:'gently strokes his hair'

ryker: viggo,why are you acting like a parent right now?

viggo: he's a little kid ryker,he's scared and needs someone he knows.

ryker: so your playing parent?

viggo: if you want to call it that,sure.

ryker: the dragon riders will kill you if they see a child in your arms.

viggo: they wont risk attacking me.

ryker:'rolls his eyes'

hiccup:'snuggles closer to viggo,he felt safe around him'

ryker: we cant keep him here.

viggo: he's our guest ryker.

ryker:'grumbles'guest my a##.

viggo: brother,please watch your language around hiccup.

ryker: and why the hell should i? he'll be fine.

viggo: he's a little kid right now.

ryker: this is stupid,come on lets go to the ships.

viggo:'picks an apple from the tree'this is for hiccup.

ryker: can i have an apple?

viggo rolled his eyes,of course ryker would think about this stomach at a time like this.

viggo: if you dont curse,ill cook tonight,and your favorite meal.

ryker: deal!

viggo rolls his eyes,ryker was always a sucker for his cooking.

because unlike ryker,viggo can actually cook something edible.

and good thing he can,because hiccup will need to eat soon.

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