(httyd)the bet part 2

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ryker: ok,so this is what going to happen,we will guess how many babies scarlet is pregnant with,so who wants to start?

hiccup: i bet that scarlet is pregnant with one baby.

everyone started to say either it was one baby or 2 babies.

then only one person was left.

and that person was viggo.

dagur: so viggo,what is your bet going to be,were all waiting.

viggo: i bet is that scarlet is going to have triplets.

this surprised everyone,no one had guessed triplets.

fishlegs: are you sure viggo.

snotlout: and why do you think its triplets?

viggo: well,we know that scarlet is a wolf demon and alvin is a spider demon.

2 hours later.

viggo: and thats why i think its triplets.

he then sees that everyone had fallen asleep.

viggo:'groans'they never listen.

he stands up and grabs a sandwich from the kitchen.

viggo:'eats it'i know that im going to win this bet.

he pours himself a bit of wine.

he wasnt planning on getting drunk,he just needed to clear his mind a bit.

and besides,the wine relaxes him a bit.

(#viggo needs to relax)

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