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here are the similarities between pedro and his children.

pedro and pepa:

they both can be really emotional.

they dont pay attention to there feelings if it means they can help other people.

(because pepa has to stay positive in order for it not to rain

because people might get mad at her)

pedro and julieta:

they both want to help anyone they can that are hurt.

pedro has bandages with him,while julieta has food with her.

they both act responsible.

pedro and bruno:

they both are rat men.

they love to put on telenovelas for the kids,especially for mirabel and miles.

they sometimes pretend to be 2 different people.

sometimes they walk or run like rats

they hate baths since they were so used to not taking baths.

they let there rats be in there hair.

and finally,they never brush there hair.

also they sometimes hurt themselves if they think they did something wrong.

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