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Hey everyone... been a while, eh?

As I'm sure many of you have probably realized, I'm not returning to this story. I have lost all motivation for it and I can't continue to write this story with the level of quality I would like.

I am very sorry about this. I promised myself I would never abandon a story, and I tried to keep that promise. Alas, a series of events irl messed me up for a long time and sapped my will to do anything, much less write.

In return for this news, I will leave you with how I planned to finish the story.

Esra would have been revealed to be Nyx in disguise. The name Esra means "travel at night" in Turkish I believe, so I figured it was a fitting name. Hades' symbol was faked with the combined primordial power of Nyx and Erebus. She would have been revealed when Percy was speaking with Hades about her and he would not have known who she was.

A navy of all the pantheons would have been constructed over the course of a couple of months. This navy would set sail composed of the Norse as well as a select few magicians and demigods to destroy the Ship of Nails, Naglfar.

At the same time, the majority of the demigods, gods (both Greek/Roman and Egyptian), and magicians would go to the fields of Vigridir (where Ragnarok takes place), since the Norse going there would trigger Ragnarok.

The Egyptian and Greek/Roman bad guys would be at Ragnarok, while the Norse would be on the ship.

The fighters on land would have been fighting a losing battle, with most of the gods fighting Apophis. At the last second, a small group of fighters would have circled around the enemy forces and struck from behind.

The forces of good win and all is at peace.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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