The Fight for Valhalla

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Alright, thank you everyone for being patient with me. My unscheduled break ended up being MUCH longer that I expected, and for that, I sincerely apologize. I have however used that time to do a little brainstorming, and I've thought of some ways to hopefully make this story better. In case you all haven't noticed, I love incorporating things that I watch/read/love irl into these stories (see every quote and reference I've made). Um, yeah. I'm sorry for taking two months, please don't kill me. Now, the chapter you've all been waiting for...

Percy P.O.V.

After that... interesting... experience with that last fire giant, Magnus and Alex led us to a strangely large building surrounded by a 15-foot tall limestone wall. Strangely enough, there was a tree with golden leaves peeking over the wall.

"Listen. You have to swear to never show anyone else where this is without permission of someone from our pantheon. This is the location of Valhalla, the afterlife for the honorable dead who died in battle. It's our home, and our eternal residence until Ragnarok occurs. Everyone here was hand-picked by a Valkyrie for the honor of being an enharji for their bravery in battle. Basically, don't piss anyone off. One more thing, you technically can't die on Valhalla grounds, so don't be alarmed about the flying weapons." Alex explains, before turning into a bird and flying over the wall.

"Showoff." mutters Magnus, before literally jumping the 15 foot tall wall. Oh yeah, two can play at that game.

Before I can offer to fly her over, my wife grins at me and starts running at the wall. She pulls out her knives before she runs a few feet up the wall before using her knives to climb it. Once she gets to the top, she looks over and says, "Try to keep up darling!"

Grumbling, I offer my hand to Annabeth, who takes it, and fly us both over the wall. We land to see a smug looking Artemis, tapping her foot impatiently but playfully. "What took you so long?" she asks, smiling.

"I saw a strange woman scale the wall with a couple of knives, forgive me for being apprehensive." I say, returning her smirk.

She punches my arm. "Oh my gods, you two are so sickeningly flirty. Can we get to the task at hand?" asks Annabeth, also slightly smiling.

"I suppose..." I say.

We meet up with Alex and Magnus at the pair of wooden double doors. "Alright. Behind this door lies Valhalla. The doorman, Hunding, is pretty nice. The manager, Helgi, will be at the reception desk. Helgi hates Hunding because of some blood feud, and used his afterlife to force Hunding to serve him. We'll explain to Helgi who you guys are, and hopefully we can organize some kind of announcement at dinner. Just... be polite, please? Helgi may not be strong, but he has power here." Magnus explains.

"So you're really just talking to Percy then." Annabeth says.


"What, are you gonna tell me you don't piss off everyone that you meet that holds a position of power?" asks Annabeh.

"I mean... not all of them." I say.

"Name one." Artemis says, slightly grinning.

"Hmm, let's see. Hades... wait no, he hated me at first. Uh.. definitely made Zeus mad, Gaea, Tartarus, and Kronos are out of the question... How about, OH, I got it! Chaos!" I say.

Hate to break it to you Percy...

Seriously Chaos?

In my defense, you woke me up when you asked me about Zoe.

You sleep?

That's besides the point. I like sleeping, just like any sane person. You disturbed my rest. End of story, bye.

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