The Wedding

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Hello, and welcome to the sequel of Percy Jackson: The Betrayed Guardian. I'm going say this right now, that until I finish my current story, The Second Thief, updates here will be rare. After that, I can give this my full attention. I know you've all been waiting for a while so here you go.

Disclaimer: The Percy Jackson franchise belongs to Rick Riordan, not me.

Percy P.O.V.

It was the day after my coronation, the day that Artemis and I decided we would get married. Early, I know, but we wanted it done as soon as possible.

The hunters were a little skeptical about me marrying their maiden patron but they allowed it. I did however get some death threats should I ever hurt Artemis. Ah, they really do like me.

I was in the Poseidon cabin at camp Half-Blood, with my friends helping me get ready for my big day. Jason, Leo, Frank, Travis, Connor, Chris, and a lot more of my male friends were all cramped in my cabin, getting dressed. My mom was here helping me get ready.

Oh yeah, I resurrected my mom and paul to be the immortal directors of Camp Half-Blood, they would get to raise my little sister, who was also resurrected, in a place free of monsters, and I got to see them whenever I wanted, so it was a win-win.

Anyways, I named my dad, Poseidon, as my best man. Jason, Leo, and Frank were to be my groomsmen. Artemis said something about Thalia being the maid of honor and the rest of the hunters being bridesmaids. I can't imagine any of them wearing dresses, so this will be interesting.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my mom asked me, "Nervous?" She straightened my tie.

"A little. I mean, I proposed yesterday." I respond, kissing my mom on the cheek. "Thanks mom. I'm glad you're back."

"Well, it is all thanks to you Percy." she says with a warm smile.

"Nah, you deserve it." I answer back.

"Aww. Now be quiet while I fix your hair." she says. I smile and relax.

Line Break

I'm waiting at the altar. We decided the wedding would be on Olympus. I had Chaos plan everything because if Aphrodite did, everything would be hot pink, and neither Artemis nor myself would like that. All the gods are here, both major and minor. Both camps are here, so are the hunters, amazons, and a lot of nature spirits, in short, there is a ton of people here. Of course, people we knew were in the front, I could spot my mom, Apollo, Leto, Tyson, Triton, and more in the front row.

I'm talking to my friends when the music starts to play. I shove them into their places and take my own. Then, my jaw drops. Zeus walks Artemis down the aisle, and she looks perfect. She's smiling nervously under her veil, and her white dress flows behind her. She looks uncomfortable in the dress, but she looks amazing. As she advances up the aisle, I have to consciously close my mouth, and boy was it hard! She arrives, smiles at me, and stands across from me. Before he takes his seat, Zeus whispers to me, "You better take care of her Percy."

"I will." I respond, fully meaning it.

We have Chaos officiating, sure Hera is the goddess of marriage, but Chaos invented everything, and neither Artemis nor myself have particularly fond memories of Hera.

"We have gathered here today to celebrate the joining of Perseus Jackson and Phoebe Artemis. They have both asked me to keep this short, so we will skip straight to the vows. Percy, do you swear to take care of Artemis for all eternity? To remain faithful to her for all time? To love her no matter what?" Chaos asks.

"I do." I respond, taking Artemis's hands, gazing into her eyes, and smiling.

"Artemis, do you swear to take care of Percy for all eternity? To remain faithful to him for all time? To love him no matter what?" Chaos asks.

"I do." Artemis answers, meeting my smile with one of her own.

"Well, if there are no objections, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Chaos says with a smile. I lift Artemis's veil and kiss her softly. We both melt into the kiss and try to ignore the cheering, as well as Apollo's cat calling.

We both separate to breathe before addressing the crowd, "Who's ready to celebrate!" we shout in sync.

The crowd cheers and yells.

I snap my fingers and the altar disappears. We are in the throne room, and it's ready for a huge party. Everyone recovers and Apollo, the DJ, shouts, "Let's do this!"

I take Artemis to the dance floor and we start dancing together. She laughs as I twirl her around, and I can't help but smile at her joyful mood. Just a few days ago, she was breaking down because of Thalia's injuries, but she seems as happy as I've ever seen her.

Of course, because of my luck, something happens. Annabeth walks up and taps my shoulder after the song is over. "Percy, we have a problem." she says in a tense voice.

"What is it?" I ask, my body tensing.

"Sadie called, she said that they need to talk to us."

Short, I know, but this is to set up the plot, as well as to assure you all that I am actually writing this story. I'm not very good with weddings, so I hope I did a good job. Hopefully this will hold you all over until the next time I can update. Thanks for reading!

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