Sparring and a sword fight

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Hello, and welcome to this weird place where I write things and people like it for some reason. I don't really have anything to say at the moment, so here is your chapter.

Disclaimer: This chapter contains a decent amount of talk about LGBTQ+, if that bothers you, 1, why are you reading Rick Riordan content, 2, I would recommend skipping the Norse introduction.

Percy P.O.V.

You know what, I've decided I don't like wars. Seems obvious, I know, but having a fourth war within about 3 years, I'm getting tired of fighting them very quickly.

Anyways, I'm still waiting for Annabeth's cousin, Magnus, I think, to contact her. I'm not sure how communication between the living and the dead works between pantheons, but I know it isn't very fast. It's been a few days since I asked Annabeth to get in touch with her cousin.

Naturally, being Annabeth, I had to explain why I needed to speak with her cousin. Strangely, after I was done explaining, Annabeth silently pulled out her phone and walked away. Now, that is weird because I think I've only seen Annabeth speechless a few times.

I'm currently training in the arena on Olympus, trying to get a grasp on my new godly powers, as well as adjust my fighting style to incorporate my new godly strength and endurance.

Currently, the arena is soaked in water and a few things are slowly flying through the air, courtesy of my time powers. The rest of my domains don't translate to fighting very well, like life and loyalty. I suppose I can eventually think of some way to use all my domains in a fight, but I have no idea how to use any except time and water in a fight at the moment. I mean, swordsmanship just passively increases my skills and allows me to bless others with natural ability, so I'm not counting that.

Suddenly, I hear a whistling sound, coming from behind me. In one fluid motion, I uncap Riptide, my new godly symbol of power, and deflect the arrow aimed at the back of my head into the ground next to me. "Nice to see you too Arty." I say, turning around.

My wife is standing in the entrance to the arena, bow in hand. "Hey Percy, having fun in here, training by yourself?" she asks.

"Are you inviting yourself into my training session?" I ask.

"Only a little."

"Alright then. I wouldn't call it fun. I'm lacking the company of my beautiful wife, so I can only be so happy." I say, staring at Artemis, who starts to blush.

"Percy, you don't have to say things like that." she says, face bright red.

"Why shouldn't I tell the truth?" I ask.


"Alright, I'll stop. For now." I say, raising my hands in surrender.

"Want to spar Percy? I won't have to hold back now that you're immortal." Artemis says.

"Are you trying to say that I only won last time we sparred because you were holding back? Sure didn't seem like that, seeing as we had a bet on the line." I say.

"I- I was holding back." Artemis says.

"Sure. I shall accept your offer of a spar. Powers or no powers?" I ask.

"We did powers last time, so let's do no powers this time. First to killing blow withheld?" suggests Artemis.

"Fine by me." I agree.

We walk to opposite sides of the arena. I decide to use Riptide and my shield. I've been using so much dual wield recently, I want to be able to use both one sword and 2 swords at the same skill level. Artemis, naturally, decided to use her bow, with her hunting knives at her waist.

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