The Reunion

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ALRIGHT!!! I'm finally starting this story and actually focusing on it! Hopefully you don't all hate me for making you wait like a year for the sequel! Anyways, this is a three way crossover between Percy Jackson, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase. I've had the prophecy for a while, but I'm not sure when I'll reveal it. Anyways, here's chapter 2!

Percy P.O.V.

I quickly get the attention of my wife. Gods, just being able to call her that feels amazing. "Artemis, there's a problem. Can we talk somewhere private?" I ask.

She looks at me confused. "Sure Percy." she says.

I grab her by the hand and lead her to a garden just outside of the throne room, not before signalling Annabeth to follow us. Once I made sure we were alone, besides Annabeth, of course, I said, "Arty, me and Annabeth ran into two people after the 2nd Giant War, this was before I got kicked out, of course. Long story short, they were egyptian magicians. Them needing our help is not a good sign. I'm telling you to give you a choice, you can either stay here or come with us."

AN: I forgot to mention, all the interactions between Percy, Annabeth, Carter, Sadie, Magnus, etc... all happened. Timelines aren't important, it's fanfiction, just... shush.

She looks at me, surprise evident on her face. "Percy, demigods aren't supposed to know about the other pantheons."

"Yeah, well I'm a god now. Anyways, are you coming or not?" I ask.

Artemis rolls her eyes, "Percy, I just got you. I'm not letting you out of my sight for at least a century."

"That settles it then. Annabeth, where are we meeting them?" I ask.

"I don't know, all Sadie gave me was some address in Brooklyn. Are they going to be ok with us bringing one of our gods? We agreed to keep it between us 4?" asks Annabeth,

"First of all, they called us, so they clearly need our help. Second of all, we're all gods/goddesses now. They'll have to deal with it." I say.

"Fine, but you're dealing with them if they get upset." Annabeth says.

"Sure. Now, let's get going." I say.

Line Break

It took us a few minutes to find the giant mansion on top of the warehouse, but we found it in the end.

"What is that, and why did it take so long to find?" I ask.

"Well Percy, it's a mansion on top of a warehouse. It's also a mansion that is heavily covered in what appears to be Mist. Once you get a little more experience being a god, you'll be able to sense things like this easily." Artemis explains.


"How are we supposed to get up there." asked Annabeth.

I noticed a metal staircase that wrapped around the warehouse. "Let's use that." I say.

Annabeth flushes bright red. Even though her "blood" is golden. Strange.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea." says Artemis, taking slight pity on Annabeth. It's nice to see that my wife is getting along with my former girlfriend, now close friend. Even if said wife wanted said friend's blood for a little bit.

We climbed the stairs, and came to the top. What seemed to be the door, a big block of what looked to be wood, with no obvious door. However, in front of the door, stood two people. Carter and Sadie. Carter didn't look like he had aged too much since we last met up, and neither did Sadie. Strange.

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