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Flintface scratched at the sand outside of the nursery. The night was cool, and his long grey fur was ruffling as the cold sea breezes washed over him. The sounds of his mate screaching could be heard all the way to Peakclan, he thought. Maybe even Starclan. Flintface stalked a little closer to the cave, but stepped back again once he heard a wail.

"Something wrong, Flintface? Surely you aren't scared of your own kits?" a voice said from behind him. Flintface turned to see a sleek cat sitting on a boulder a fox tail away. The cat had the long frame, long ears, and bright yellow eyes just like his own. His fur was a grey that made him blend into the boulder, other then the pale white on his chest. "Only as scared as you are of the elders" Flintface teased his brother, Tendrilclaw, nervously. Tendrilclaw purred with his deep voice, and jumped down from the boulder, curling up in the soft sand instead. Another scream resonated from the nursery, making both toms cringe. Flintface sat in front of his brother and gruffly meowed "We have already lost a litter, what if it happens again? Our clan barely has enough warriors to fend off rogues, let alone the other clans". He put his head on his paws, but kept his eyes on the nursery, as if a snarling fox might jump out of it with his mate in its jaws.

I could even lose Lynxfoot

Wails started to come faster and more forcefull, and a sharp "FLINTFACE" drifted from the den. He looked at Tendrilclaw for help, but his litter-mate had fallen asleep. Flintface walked into the nursery, his tail dragging on the floor. On a nest of sand and moss, a beautiful brown she-cat was lying there. Her long fur was wet with sweat, the usually elegant light and dark browns badly groomed. her green eyes looked dull from pain. Lynxfoot looked to tired to deliver a single kit.

"Don't just stand there, feed her a juniper berry!" The pure white tom standing over her hissed. Ravenecho had always been very fussy over his younger sister, Lynxfoot, and he seemed more tense then Flintface was. He padded over to the pile of berries, and gently nudged one into his mate's mouth. She lapped it up and feebly licked Flintface on the nose. The night seemed to be getting colder and colder, and Flintface felt like the sand was freezing under his feet.

Lynxfoot suddenly screached an unearthly way, and a small bundle slid down into the nest. "Lick that NOW. You must pop the sac and warm the kit!" Ravenecho snarled, his usually calm self becoming short. Flintface lapped at the tiny bundle, and a tiny kit lay at his feet, breathing softly. He looked up at Lynxfoot in hope, but she screamed again. "is she not done?" Flintface said a little too close to wailing. "She-cats can have more then one kit, mouse-brain!" Ravenecho looked to Lynxfoot and said softer "Okay, I need you to push. just one more. Then you will be with your beautiful kits and lovely mate". Flintface was a little thrown back to hear Ravenecho acting to soft, as the medicine cat was usually much gruffer. Lynxfoot groaned, and her sides shuddered, and yet another bundle dropped down. The tom started to lick it, and a little bit of mewling could be heard from the new kit. Flintface sighed heavily, glad it was over, until he saw yet another bundle fall beside him. He took no hesitation again, although surprised by the third, and licked it clean. Ravenecho murmured to himself "one more kit. four kits. much more then I though" as the last, very small bundle fell to the sand.

Flintface licked the bundle clean, and set it beside the others, beside Lynxfoot's now more still belly. He glanced at his mate, and she was looking, quietly, at the small bundles suckling. Suddenly, she wailed softly, a look of horror plastered on her face. Flintface looked at the small bundle of kits, and noticed the third kit was lying still. "Oh no... the little one" sighed Ravenecho, as he picked up the no longer breathing kit. "I'm sorry, Lynxfoot... shes the only one that looks like Rivertalon, too..."

Flintface looked helplessly at Ravenecho as he padded away, knowing that Rivertalon was Lynxfoot and Ravenecho's father, who had gone to hunt with Starclan. He looked down at his mate, but she was smiling, and purring down at the three kits suckling at her belly. "We have three, and thats what matters" she murmured, and put her deep green eyes on Flintface. "What shall we name them, my Star?" Lynxfoot meowed, licking his nose again. He looked down at the small kits again, and seemed to notice them for the first time. One was a small dark grey tabby, with lighter grey stripes running through his fuzz. He looked just like Flintface. another was a kit with stone grey fur, with a long patch of white along his stomach and throat, with socks, looking just like Flintface's mother, Halfstorm. The last beautiful kit was a she-cat, looking exactly like Lynxfoot, from fur colour to fluffy tail. "Their beautiful, my Moon" Flintface purred, curling on the floor beside his mate.

Lynxfoot looked down at the grey tom with the white chest, and purred deeply as well "This one shall be Sunkit". The young kit mewled quietly, as if agreeing with his mother. Flintface could hear murmurs from outside of the den as the Seaclan members glanced in at the new litter. He looked back down at his little joys, and purred out "May I name the kit that looks like me? I like Spiderkit". Lynxfoot huffed out "Spiders are not a very sweet name! why not something nicer?" she licked the little tabby, but could tell this was one name that Flintface would have his heart set on. "I suppose Spiderkit is fine, as we will love him all the same." she meowed, glancing up at her mate as his face lit with joy. "And the last one?" Flintface asked, licking the top of Lynxfoot's ears. She closed her eyes and though of the beautiful coast, with all the animals living in the bountiful forest surrounding them. "Bearkit" she said, as she lapped at the miniature version of herself. Flintface smiled, and looked up at the cave's ceiling, covered in ancient scratchmarks from bears. "Its perfect" he purred, and rustled a little closer to his family in the hollow nook.

The camp began to still again, and the sounds of the sea rocked the cats back to a quiet sleep.

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