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As Thorntongue finished speaking, she gazed down at her small audience, the trance broken. Coppersnout and Lynxfoot had both fallen asleep, along with Sunkit, Spiderkit, and Mudkit. The only kits who remained were a small brown and a small grey she-cats. Bearkit's eyes were wide, and her eyes met with the long claw marks across the cavern walls. Icekit sat, huddling close to her sister and mother, swishing her tail happily.

"I liked the part with the deer!" The grey she-kit squealed. Thorntongue purred happily, licking both kits quietly on the head, before returning to her nest to sleep. The she-kits looked at each other, not at all tired. "Lets go for a walk" mewed Beakit, bumping heads with the other kit. She glanced at her mother, and nodded. The two kits padded quietly outside the den, and looked out. 

Everything was still, and the only sounds came from the waves washing against the beach. Otterspot and Yellowpelt sat near the beach, on guard. The yellow she-cat turned, spying the kits. She trotted up, the brown warrior behind her. "Shouldn't you kits be in bed?" Yellowpelt mewed, looking from Bearkit to Icekit. Otterspot looked just as grumpy as ever, glaring at the kits like it was their fault she was on guard duty. "Go back to your mothers, now." meowed the brown she-cat. "But we aren't tired! Can't we just stay out for a little bit?" Bearkit whined. Yellowpelt looked from her companion to the kits and sighed. "Fine, but no wandering out of camp, do not disturb the sleeping cats, and stay in our line of sight." she meowed, before padding back to her spot, Otterspot reluctantly joining her.

The two she-kits sat near the leader's den, facing the forest. Bearkit sat with her paws neatly in front of her, while her companion lay down with her tail neatly over her muzzle. They could believe this is where an ancient bear once lived. Where Needle and Fly settled down. Where Remembers-The-Sky and Falls-Into-Clouds lived. The she-kits looked up at the stars, wondering if their lives too will become a story.

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