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The cat stalked her prey in the undergrowth, watching its every move like a hawk. She circled through the sandy stalks of grass, knowing that one wrong move could inform the creature of her presence. The animal lifted its tail in the wind, and sniffed the air for any sign of predators. As the creature drew his attention back to foraging. The cat stalked slowly forward, being aware of the slightest change in the wind, or smallest change of sound. As the cat got a fox-tail away from the prey, she coiled her haunches and sprang onto the mass of grey fur.

"Hey! You cheated, Bearkit! You were supposed to tell me when you jumped!" Sunkit squealed indignantly, fluffing up his sleek fur as he tried to wrestle himself from under his sister. Bearkit squealed happily, and rolled with Sunkit around and around, sand starting to dot their fur. Lynxfoot trotted up to the kits, and grabbed Bearkit by the scruff, lifting her above her brother. "Young kit, do not sneak up on Sunkit like that! Apologize now!" She said in a stern tone. Bearkit made a small attempt at a roar "I AM BEARHEART, SCOURGE OF THE COAST, DESTROYER OF CLANS. I APOLOGIZE TO NO CAT" she mewled, struggling against Lynxfoot's grasp on her scruff. The queen meowed a call to Sunkit through Bearkit's long fur, and trotted away from the sandy beach, back toward the camp, the wriggling mass still clenched in her jaws.

The breeze rolling over the sea and the sand was cool, but the cats of Seaclan were used to it. The elders Duskpool and Thrushmask sat in the sandy clearing, sharing an eel with Houndpaw. A few apprentices were happily showing off their new fighting skills, trying to convince the others of who has the best mentor. Breezetrail and Yellowpelt groomed eachother while Ravenecho attended to Emeraldjay about a small cough. The day was getting warmer as the sun climbed the sky, and the camp was full of life. Flintface was dropping a crab onto the freshkill pile, with Spiderkit at his side trying to catch his father's tail. Lynxfoot dropped Bearkit beside her and padded up to her mate, purring a greeting. Flintface glanced at the recently dropped kit. "What did she do this time?" he asked, licking Lynxfoot on the ear. "Oh, all I know is she is turning out to be more like you then me. Flintface backed up a step and fluffed up his fur indignantly. "And what is THAT supposed to mean?" "Well if my memory serves, you used to get into more trouble then any kit, or frankly apprentice." Lynxfoot laughed, rolling a ball of moss toward Sunkit.

Flintface made a grumpy face and huffed "It wasn't that I made too much trouble, it was that you didn't make enough". The mates sat down in the sand, a vole between them, and watched quietly as the kits played. "I AM THE MIGHTY BEARHEART, AND I NAME YOU MY APPRENTICE" Bearkit squeaked, sitting in front of Spiderkit. "YOU SHALL BE NAMED SPIDERCOAT, AND YOU SHALL TRAIN UNDER ME." The she-kit mewled. "Apprentices have 'paw' at the end, mouse-brain!" Spiderkit exclaimed, batting his sister on the head."I can put what ever I want at the end of the name!"                                                                                                                                                         "cannot!" "can too!"   

The camp suddenly erupted in the mewls of kits, Sunkit joining Spiderkit's side, and Bearkit being plenty enough for herself. Some cats looked on in amusement, or rolled their eyes. The elders glared at the kits but said nothing. Flintface and Lynxfoot looked down at them, looking like they might die from embarrassment.Even Smallrobin looked on from a boulder, purring at the kit's enthusiasm. Finally Ravenecho emerged from the hollow under a tree that served as a medicine cat den, his fur ruffled and ears laying low. "I am trying to treat Emeraldjay, and he needs sleep! You three are making as much noise as squirrels!" the white cat hissed, glaring down at the small kittens.

The hollow lay in silence as the kits looked on at the medicine cat. Finally the silence was broken when a warrior entered the clearing, a squeeling kit jumping on his tail. Twistedear smiled and moved his tail around, letting Icekit jump up and attempt to seize it in her claws. The cats walked about halfway to the nursery, and finally realized everyone was so quiet. Twistedear looked around and lay his eyes on Ravenecho and the kits. He looked puzzled for a moment, and then bent next to Icekit. "How about you go play with Sunkit, Bearkit, and Spiderkit? I'll send Mudkit over to play. Why don't you teach them the new game we were playing?" He meowed to his little one, licking her on the ear. Icekit nodded vigorously and bounded over to the others, completely oblivious of what was going on. "Come on! We can play near the old tree!" She mewled, breaking the other kits from their stupor, and they all scampered off to the tree.

The camp went back to normal, chatter resuming. When Ravenecho, Flintface and Lynxfoot looked at Smallrobin, he shrugged his shoulders and looked away. The medicine can stalked back into his den.

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