Needle's Story

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On the short trip to the clearing, Needle and Fly got along well. She seemed smart, and very daring. She challenged him along the way to climbing, jumping, and fighting. Although he declined, she seemed fine with it. Needle decided he enjoyed being with Fly.

The two cats sat in the clearing, gazing around. Nothing was happening, no sound came from anywhere, and the air was still. The two cats sat, silently. "Do you hear that?" asked Fly. She nodded towards a cave with a large opening. Scratching could only barely be heard. The two cats walked cautiously over, and continued inside.

The cave was filled with long gashes in the stone, and on the far side, a massive brown bear sat, sharpening her claws. When she saw the cats, she walked over, and sat down. "Hello, young ones" she growled loudly, surprisingly nonthreatening. "You... can speak to us?" Fly meowed, tilting her head at the massive creature. "Of course I can. I am Falls-Into-Sky. who are you?" she grumbled, lying down. "Oh... I am Needle. This is Fly. We would like to settle down in this clearing. Would that be possible?" he asked, gulping slightly.

"It is possible, I suppose" she grumbled, "but I cannot live here in that case." The cats glanced at each other, assessing the situation. "Well... is there any way we could get you to leave?" Fly asked, dipping her head respectfully. The bear looked up, thoughtful. "I suppose there is one way." she growled. The bear got up and grabbed a jaw full of different leaves from the corner of the den. She placed them on the floor, in three piles. One pile had leaves with jagged edges, another with smooth, and one was very thin.

"Two piles will kill you. One will allow you to live. Choose, young one". Fly stared at the piles hauntingly, terrified. Needle looked at each pile carefully, wracking his brain for any knowledge of these plants. Finally, after several minutes, Needle bent down and ate a leaf from the middle pile. The bear nodded approvingly, and rumbled "you have chosen well. I will leave now".

As she headed to the entrance, she stopped, and looked at the cats. "The sky wishes you a good life." and left into the dark night.

SeaClan's beginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora