2 Years Pt. 2

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I ran to the front desk of the hotel and the lady looked at me weird.

"Where's Scott Hoying?" I practically yelled leaning on the desk.

"Sir, calm down. I need your name first." The lady said reassuring me.

"Mitch Grassi." I said taking deep breaths.

"Ok. He's in room number 23." The lady said pointing down the hall next to me.

I thanked her quickly and dashed down the hall stopping at his door.

What was he going to look like?

I put my hands on the doorknob and slowly twisted it open until a doctor opened it before me.

"Oh hello there. Are you Mitch Grassi?" The doctor said looking back into the room.

"Um, yes." I said trying to see Scott.

"Good. I need to talk to you." The doctor said closing the door.

"Is he dead?!" I said worriedly starting to cry.

"No sir, he isn't but-"

He got cut off by the sound of footsteps running towards us.

It was Kirstie, Jeremy, Avi, and Kevin.

They all had tears down there faces and fidgety bodies.

Kirstie walked over to me and hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry Mitch Im so sorry." Kirstie whispered in my ear.

"Thanks for coming." I whispered back.

She let go and let Jeremy comfort her. Kevin and Avi comforted me as well.

"Ok so I guess I'll tell all of you then." The doctor said to all of us.

"Scott isn't dead. But, since all of the blood loss and the deep cuts in his vains, he is in a coma."

We all stood with blank expressions on our faces.





My breathing got heavier, my hands and body started to shake.

"H-He's in a-a c-coma." I repeated voice shaking an cracking.

Avi rubbed my back and Kevin patted my shoulder.

"We don't know how long is gonna be in it but it's gonna take long." The doctor said to me.

And for the 3rd time today,

I cried.

But it wasn't just a cry, oh no

It was a weep.

"IM NOT GONNA SEE HIM!" I yelled weeping sinking down to the floor.

Kirstie ran over and kneeled down to my level and hugged me.

"Mitch, calm down honey." Kirstie whispered.

I wept louder and louder. Some nurses came out of rooms.

"MY BEST FRIEND IS IN A FUCKING COMA!" I yelled putting my head up.

The whole hospital went silent. All you could hear was my sobs.

It was murmured sobs cause my head was stuffed in my arms.

Kirstie let go to give me some space.

"Let's leave him be for a little while and I'll talk to you guys." The doctor whispered and took the rest of the group over to the waiting area to talk.

I sat there sobbing and sobbing until someone tapped my shoulder.

I wiped my eyes and looked up at the person.

And I swear on all things holy Neptune heard me scream.

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