The Night

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kinda trigger warning

Scott was sleeping soundly in his bed when he woke up to his phone ringing. He groaned and grabbed it angrily off the table, about to release his sleepy anger on whoever was calling. He rubbed his eyes to see the screen clearer.

"Mike Grassi"

What? Why would he be calling m-

Scott stopped his thinking and got another thought in his mind.

He said he would only call me if something happened to Mitch.

Scott laid there under the covers, realizing that something happened to his Mitch. He instantly sat up on his bed and answered the call.

"Hi, Scott." Mike greeted, sounding sad.


"Hello. Is there something wrong?" Scott asked, his hand trembling making the phone shake.

"I really don't want to tell you this. But, I know I have to."

Scott's heart was pounding at this point and his breathing picked up.

"What's wrong with him."

"Scott...h-he..." He heard him take a deep breath. "He tried to kill himself."

It felt the world crushed into nothing. It felt like everything in his body stopped working. It felt like everything turned to black and he was the only person in the world.

Then, he started running. He hung up the phone and ran out his bedroom, running down the stairs and running out the door. He didn't care what his parents were yelling at him, he ran and ran. He ran into his car, going 80 miles an hour to the hospital. As soon as he got there, he ran into the building, seeing the Grassi family in the waiting room.

Everyone looked up at him. Scott looked back at them.

"Scott." Mike said.

Then, Scott's parents came in with Lauren and Lindsay, his sisters.

"What do you think you're doing?!" His dad yelled at him.

Scott didn't answer him. He ignored his family and went to sit down next to Mitch's sister. He saw Mike and Nel go over to his parents.

"I was the one that found him." She spoke with her head down.

Scott looked down at her.

"The last thing I said to him was fuck you. We were having a fight."

Scott felt her pain. He put his hand on her shoulder.

"I never cry."

"Me neither." He said, letting the tears go.

Lindsay and Lauren came over and sat next to Scott.



They instantly shut up.

A doctor came out of the room and everyone came over.

"I'm very sorry you had to go through this. He is all right, he's sleeping right now. We almost lost him, but we hurried because I know so many people would be hurt and even try what he did if he didn't make it," He shook his head. "I'm so happy he's alive."

Everyone said agreeing things.

"We're only accepting family right visits right now."

Everyone looked at Scott. On the inside he was like, HA YOU LITTLE FUCKING BITCH IM GOING TO KILL YOU AND THROW YOUR BODY IN A RIVER, but on the outside he just didn't say anything. His tears did his talking.

"We'll try to make it quick." Nel said, the Grassi's following the doctor to the room.

Scott and his family sat down in quiet.



"Excuse me?" His mother said.

"Mom can you not? This is his boyfriend on the line, if he doesn't wanna talk then let him be silent." Lauren spat out.

Scott thanked her in his mind but on the outside he did nothing.

"I can't believe he actually tried to." Lindsay said in disbelief.

"Why did he even think of it?" Scott's dad said.

"It's a miracle he's alive. I don't know what I would do without him."

And that was all their talking. Not even Scott's.

After a half hour, the Grassi's came back. The Hoyings looked up at them.

"Are any of you here the significant other of his?" The doctor asked.

"Me." Scott mumbled.

"You get to go in now. After him, the rest of you may go."

Scott got up and followed the doctor down a long hallway. They stopped at door number 23. Scott stared at the door, his cheeks covered in his own tears and he felt new ones building up in his eyes.

"You may go in."

The doctor opened the door and there he was. Mitch was on the hospital bed, covered in a light sheet with water next to him.

Scott started crying at the sight. He stepped in and the doctor closed the door.

Mitch couldn't even look at him.

Scott sat on the edge of the bed next to Mitch, not facing him.

They stayed silent and Scott wiped his eyes.

"You almost died." Scott spoke quietly.

"I know." Mitch replied after a while.

Scott shook his head and cried more.

"What were you thinking?"

"I-I...don't know."

"Mitch. Why didn't you at least text me?"

Mitch stayed silent in his own regret and guilt.

Scott sighed and turned his head around to look at him.

"Y'know the surgeons sped up their process just to keep you alive? The doctor said he was so happy when you made it. And he doesn't even know you."

He saw Mitch's eyes look away from him. He always does that when he's about to cry.

"My mom said she wouldn't know what to do without you in this world. My dad actually shed a tear when he heard the news. My sisters were in disbelief. You met my family a month ago. They've only known you for a month."

He knew that Mitch regretted everything. He knew that Mitch was going to try to get through this battle. Scott still doesn't know why people romanticize sucicide, it's fucking terrible. Horrible. Their not angels going home, their people who's depression tricks them into thinking they have no one and makes them feel like they're better off not in this world. And people make themselves bleed, down pills, shoot themselves with guns, tie a noose around their neck, jump off buildings, cliffs, bridges, windows.

It's horrible.

"Mitch. I love you so much and I don't want to hear that you did this ever again. I didn't speak for 2 hours once your dad called me. You're my everything. When you're lonely, drive to my house. When you want love, call me. When you want to cry, I'm here. Mitchy, so many people care about you and love you. You need to realize that."

"S-Scott?" Mitch spoke.


"I'm sorry."

Scott stared at Mitch. He grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"It's ok."

I wrote this not only for the oneshots but for all of you.

Stay alive. Btw sorry this was shit.

-Emmett. <3

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