@ her

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hey listen to the song it's by my actual angel dodie it's a good song and it reminds me of my girlfriend


today is me and kxtelyn- 's one year anniversary


legit it feels like 2 weeks but whatever haha

so this is going to be so disgustingly cheesy and cute so if you don't like that shit soRRY

alright leggo

ps that selfie of me shows a necklace that she got me for my bday and its mATCHING with hers and it's cute woAH

I really don't know how to start this. It's like talking about you. There's no words in this world to describe you 100% correctly. But, I'll try my best. So, I remember when we first talked. I always tell you this, but I'm gonna say it again. We were being flirty and cute lil shits on that group chat and I couldn't stop smiling that whole night (i may have thrown my phone at some points but we won't talk about that). You said something, I forgot what you said, maybe you called me adorable for the first time, but I remember it did something to me. Something that made me unable to breathe and blush so hard I started to sweat. I was alone in my room, it was probably late at night. I ran my hands through my hair and looked up into nowhere. I said the words, "Do I like her?" and I started freakiNG OUT. I was in love with a straight girl at the time, and I fell so hard I thought I could never get out of it. But, when I talked to you that night, she was out of my mind. I even forgot I liked her at the end of our conversation. So, when I asked myself that question, I started freaking out. I actually told myself during the conversation that I couldn't like you. Because I was so in love with that stupid straight girl. I, like, wanted to love her. I was scared to get over her because she was all I had. But, I realized that maybe, just maybe, I could have you. And when you kept on texting me. On and on, my smile got bigger and my heart was beating faster and faster. One point, I looked up into nowhere again, and said with a smile and a shake of a head, "I think I like her." My hand was over my mouth and honestly I was almost in tears because you just saved my life in a matter of texts. You saved my life just with words. Can you believe that?

We talked till 5 am that night. I couldn't eat breakfast once I woke up. My heart was still beating so fast and so hard. I'm not even kidding. God, I fell so hard for you just with one night of talking. My family was asking me why I was so happy. I couldn't explain it. I couldn't even talk. I had to go on a 4 hour car ride that day, and I just listened to songs and thought of you with every single one. Once I told my friends, they freaked the fuck out. I showed them that picture of you, the first one you sent, they all said you were gorgeous. I cannot deny that I was jealous, but of course I agreed with them. Because, just, God.

I can't describe how beautiful you are. I know this is cheesy, but we love cheesy so it's fine. I can't breathe when I see a picture of you. I can't even look you in the eye on facetime. Everything about you is gorgeous. And I know sometimes you don't believe that, but when you do, I couldn't be more happy you see what I see. I think I love your eyes the most. I don't know why. I can't describe the color of them, I think that's why I love them so much.

why is my heart racing already wow ok

It's hard to talk about you because I get so nervous. You make me nervous, which is embarrassing, but true. Every time I think about your voice, your laugh, your smile, I just start to freak out and smile and my stomach does that flippy thingy.

i did it while writing that gOD

Your texts to me mean so much. Even if they're so stupid, like if their about memes or about how you got 2nd place in kahoot. Or when you're so done with me when I send snapchats of me with Phineas and Ferb song lyrics. Or when you say I'm cute. Or when you call me those names I love. Or when those texts...never mind those are classified ;)

But, when I have those days where I'm so dysphoric, when every time I look at myself I want to die, you make me feel like the most beautiful man on the earth. You make my life bearable. You make being trans bearable. I'm honestly the luckiest boy alive. I don't get all the people that treat you bad in life, or have. They don't get it. They don't get that you deserve all the happiness in this world.

God, I'm so in love with you. So so so in love with you. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you are. Just, you. are. everything. I cannot wait till the day that you are here with me. I can finally hug you and kiss you and do all that cheesy shit.

I love you. With all of my heart. I. Love. You.

woah can someone say obsesseD

yep, i am lol

happy anniversary darling ❤️

text me i miss you

- emmett :)

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