Babytonix (and Avi)

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that tumblr post is so cute so here we go

Avi was chosen to take care of 4 babies. Kirstie, Kevin, Scott, and Mitch. Kirstie begged Avi to watch Wizard of Oz with her, so they're doing that.

A scene with Toto came up and Kirstie smiled and tugged on Avi's arm.

"Avi, Avi, Avi!" Kirstie screamed.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Can we get that puppy?"

"No, Kirstie. We can't get Toto, it's just a movie."

Kirstie frowned and started to watch the movie again. Avi smiled and ruffled her hair, going upstairs to Kevin's room. He opened the door and Kevin ran and jumped up onto Avi.

"Hey, Avi! Can you play house wif me?" Kevin asked.

"I'm watching a movie with Kirstie. How about you read some books," He looked at all the books on the floor. "Of course you read them all."

"Pweaseeeee!" Kevin whined.

"Isn't it time for your nap?" Avi asked, seeing the time was 1:35.


"Yes it is."

Avi started to carry Kevin back to his bed. Kevin whined and kicked his legs.

"Sorry, buddy."

He set Kevin down and tucked him in. Kevin frowned but was getting sleepy.

"I'll wake you up in 2 hours."

Avi smiled and left the room, shutting the light off and shutting the door. Then, he heard loud giggling and stomping off feet.

"Oh no." Avi said to himself, walking down to the play room.

Yep, there they were. Scott carrying Mitch in his arms and running around the toy filled room.

"Scott, Mitch is capable enough to walk on his own. You don't need to carry him everywhere you go." Avi said, going in the room and smiling at the two.

"Yes I do, Mitchy is my best fwiend." Scott said, Mitch smiling.

"You're my best fwiend, too!" Mitch exclaimed.

Scott and Mitch smiled and giggled at each other.

Avi couldn't help but smile and aww at them, they were soulmates.

"And, Mitchy gotta boo-boo on his head."

"He did? Let me see."

Scott brought Mitch over and Avi saw a little scar on his forehead.

"Where did he get that from?" Avi asked.

"He hit his head on the wood of my bed. He wanted to cuddle wif me, and his head hit the wood."

Avi couldn't believe how cute they are together.

"Mitch, you ok?" Avi asked.

"Ya, I have Scotty." Mitch said, Scott smiling.

Scott kissed his boo-boo on his head and that's when Avi lost it.

"Awww. You guys are adorable."

"Mitchy is, not me."

"No! You awe, not me!"

Scott smiled and spun Mitch around in his arms. Mitch laughed loudly and squealed.

"Scott, you're gonna make him dizzy." Avi chuckled.

He looked at the time. 1:40. He didn't want to take Mitch away from Scott, but it was Mitch's nap time.

"'s naptime." Avi said, waiting for his cries.

"What?! No!" He screamed, starting to cry.

Avi sighed and pried Mitch from Scott and rocked Mitch in his arms. Mitch still cried though and Scott was pouting up at us.

"C-Can Scott come?" Mitch asked, sniffling.

"Of course," He looked down at Scott. "Scott, you wanna come?"

"Yeah! I get to cuddle wif Mitchy!" He screamed.

Mitch smiled and giggled down at Scott. Avi started to walk with Mitch and Scott following behind Avi to Mitch and Scott's shared room. He opened the door and Scott got into the bed, smiling when I set Mitchy down. He wrapped his arms around Mitch and kissed his boo-boo again.

"Yay!" Scott yelled.

Avi smiled and shut the light off.

"Scotty?" Mitch asked nervously, not seeing him from the darkness.

Scott kissed Mitch's cheek and Mitch giggled, leaning into Scott.

"I'm wight here." Scott said.

Avi was smiling like an idiot at this point.

"Lay down, lovebirds." Avi said.

Scott laid down and with Mitch in his arms, Mitch laid down with him. They both giggled and Scott held Mitch close.

"Go to sleep." Avi whispered, shutting the door.

He stood outside the door taking in all the cuteness that just happened when he heard this outside the door:

"Goodnight, Mitchy. I wuv you."

"Nighty-night, Scotty. I wuv you, too."

He heard giggles and then it was silent after that. Avi shook his head and went downstairs, checking on Kirstie, who's face was up to the TV screen.

"I want the doggie." Kirstie said.

Avi chuckled and picked Kirstie up, smiling.

"I think you need some sleep." Avi said.

Kirstie nodded and rested her head on Avi's shoulder, starting to fall asleep. He went upstairs to her room and set her in her bed. He turned the light off and shut the door.

"Sweet dreams." He said, walking to Kevin's room.

He opened the door slowly and saw Kevin was fast asleep. He smiled and closed the door quietly. He went to Scott and Mitch's room, opening their door. Mitch's face was in Scott's neck with his arm dangling over Scott's stomach. Scott's head was resting on top of Mitch's and his arms were wrapped around him. He smiled and shut the door. 

"Guess it's my nap time now." Avi said to himself. 

He went into his room and flopped down on his bed, sighing. 

Taking care of these kids is hard work. But, it's worth it. 


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