8: Mentor

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"Now, my darling, it is time..."

"Time for what?"

"You've come a long way..."


Throughout the halls of the castle, a faint sound of cries could be heard for 3 days coming from the lowest dungeons...

People, confused, shocked and worried, needed answers.

"People of Mirkwood!" The king said with a booming voice as he tried to calm the crowd of commoners as well as servants and subordinates down, with his son on his side.

People went silent upon hearing the Elvenking's voice.

"I know you are confused and scared and I apologise for not addressing this issue sooner. I did not want to worry you further..."

Legolas glanced at his father showing a glimpse of curiosity.

"But it has come to my attention that I cannot hide this from my people" the king continued.

"Recently we have captured... a beast"

Loud gasps, shock, concern and the worst of all, fear could be reflected throughout the crowd.

"But worry not, for... it harms none. We have made sure of that. Not only is it harmless, but it also is unable to escape our dungeons. Don't let the fear get to you. No matter what, I will not let it hurt anyone." Thranduil finished with a flashy twist and went back inside his castle with even more confused Legolas behind him.


"Deep inside the caves of Moria, there lies a lone chest, waiting for the right person to take back what was once theirs..."

"Your stories are filled with riddles!" A young woman whined to her master.

The older man smiled. "You'll understand when the time comes"

"You always say that" the girl pouts.

"Take it easy" the man pet her head. "Remember what today is?"

Suddenly the girl's mood changed. "Yeah..."

"Don't be sad..."

A few seconds of silence...

"Now then, it is time"

"Time for what?" Girl asked with a scared look in her eyes. The man just smiled.

"You have  come a long way my dear. I'm proud to be your mentor" the man took out a beautiful wolf necklace out of his pocket and put it on her.

Sorrowful, the girl looks up at her mentor.

"Are you sure?"

He nods.

"You'll find your way, I'm sure of it."

"I'm scared..."

"It's okay to be scared. But know this, so long as you don't lose yourself, you will get through everything" the man pulled her in a long hug and the girl buried her face in his shoulder, tears streaming down her face.

"Why must you go?"

"I've no purpose here anymore. Worry not, for I will join my brothers and sisters. I will be watching over you" with a sweet smile, the man kissed her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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