4: good thief, bad thief.

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Okay. Don't freak out. Let me explain.

We kinda got in trouble? Yeah, Thranduil's gonna be so pissed when he finds us.

I bet you're wondering what the hell happened.

So, yesterday Kyle came up with an oh-so-fucking-great idea.

"Hey hey, (Y/n), let's go out of Mirkwood, not too far but we'll have some fun"

"Kyle no, my father won't like that"

"Oh come on Leggy, Kyle and I are great at sneaking out and back in. Don't worry"

"I'm with them, it's boring here"

"Tauriel, I didn't expect that from you"

"Come on, don't you wanna have some fun?"

"Alright..." Legolas sighed.

And so we sneaked out of the Mirkwood. All four of us. Me, Kyle, Legolas and Tauriel.

And I have to say, this was not the best choice I've made my whole life.

Long story short, we went out and got captured by a group of thieves.

Legolas is being the scolding mother, telling us we should have come here. Like he didn't agree.

Kyle is being a scared cat, Tauriel is pretty chill with this and I'm freaking out.

We've been here for a day.

"Hey, you stupid scum, let us out!" Kyle shouted at one of the kidnappers.

He laughed.

"And why would I do that?"

"Because the pri-" I covered Kyle's mouth before he could say anything. He glared but I ignored.

"Leave him alone Kyle, it's no use" I told him as I silently scolded him.

The kidnapper laughed and left. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Why didn't you let me finish my word?!"


I started telling him the reason whispering.

"Because if they find out we have the Prince of Mirkwood with us, they will totally ask for money in return of him. Just him. And when they're done, they will take us and sell us"

"Oh." Kyle whispered. Honestly, can he be more stupid?

The cage we were in was just too small for four people in it.

"(Y/n)'s right, we gotta find a way out before king comes" Tauriel said.

"Yeah, or else dad will give us worse hell than these kidnappers can ever think of."  Legolas added.

I sweatdropped.


"Yes, Fuck is the right word in this situation." Kyle said with a pained face.

We all groaned. We gotta think of something fast.


It's been two days and we're going to die from hunger. These motherfuckers only give us water.

Fucking scum eating sons of-


I hear a scream of a man and we all wake up at the same time.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know!" I answered Kyle, trying to see what the hell was happening.

"Where are they?!" A booming, scary, familiar voice asked the boss after some screams and dead bodies.

I couldn't see but I sure as hell knew who it was and I preferred dying with hunger at that moment.

"W-why do you care huh?! Who are they to you?!"

The silk haired male grabbed the scum's collar.

"There's my son and his friends. I would take only my son and someone else if they weren't friends. But I'm taking all of them. Now tell me where they are and I'll kill you faster than I intend to"

That bastard was shaking

I smiled to myself...

He's... he's kind of nice...

I could see Kyle smirking from the corner of my eye and hear him whisper something to Legolas and Tauriel but I ignored him, thinking it was nothing I needed to worry about.

"My king!! We're here!!"

I shouted trying to reach out.
Thranduil looked up and I could see he was relieved to find us.

He left the boss to others and came to slowly and painlessly put us down on earth.

Damn... nice outfit Thranduil- w-wait, no.


"It seems I need to punish you four." Thranduil stood in front of us, glaring.

"Legolas, you will help in cooking, Tauriel, you will help maids clean, Kyle, you will clean the cells and (Y/n)... hmm... I do not know yet but I will think of something. Follow me to my chambers. Others are free to leave" he turned and walked to his chambers with me following.

"(Y/n)... I was kind to you. As kind as I could. Why did you sneak out of Mirkwood? Plus with my son?"

I was looking down ashamed.

"Y-your highness... I'm... " I sighed.

"I'm sorry for dragging your son in this, he didn't want to come but we thought we would have fun and then come back unnoticed... I apologise... what can I do for you to forgive us?"

I didn't dare to look up but I knew he was smirking.

"Well, you cannot do a job for four, but you can do a job for one, since others are assigned to do theirs. I'm asking you for one thing only. Come closer."

I obeyed. I don't know what's happening to me, but I'm always obeying him like this...

He held my chin and made me look up. I blushed.

"You have beautiful eyes darling..." I blushed even more.

He was hesitating to say more.

"Punishment for you will be yet again my personal maid" he said as he let go of me and walked away, to bed. I groaned.

"Yes my lord..."

"You may leave now" he was facing away. I smiled.

"Yes my lord" but before I went away, I went up to him and gently kissed his cheek from behind as I could because he's a freaking giant.

I left him and went to my room to change.


As the young woman left the king alone in his chambers, he could feel his heart beating faster than usual.

He held his cheek and stood there for a while.

Then he heavily sat down on bed and held face in hands. He groaned.

"This is all wrong... I shouldn't be feeling like this... what has she done to me...?" He asked himself as he lied in bed, ready to fall asleep with the young woman occupying his mind...

To be continued~

It All Started On A Cold Winter Night... (Thranduil x reader)Where stories live. Discover now