2: something's up with King

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WARNING: rough language used.

We were here for a week but Thranduil was acting strange after the day he talked to me. He was looking at me suspiciously and never left me alone. What is wrong with him? He even let Kyle out and let him wonder around since he was still here in Mirkwood.

I have to find out what's wrong.


"Oi! Wait!" I shouted at the silver-haired archer running around. I couldn't remember his name.. was it Liana? Lola? Luke? Dammit.

Surprisingly, he stopped and looked at me. Once I got to him I was panting and didn't have time to talk.

Once I was ready, I looked at him and smiled.

"Sorry, I don't know your name"

"Legolas, and you are...?"

"(Y/n), nice to meet you" I smiled and he seemed to look at me just. Like. The. King. But he smiled back later.

"Ah, you're my father's prisoner, I see" he chuckled. Wait what?!

"Does he annoy you? I'm sorry, he does that sometimes"

"N-no.... i-i'm sorry your highness, I didn't know you were a prince" I awkwardly did the reverence, looking down.

He laughed "that was the most horrible reverence I've ever seen in my life" he said that but he meant no harm so I laughed with him. He seemed like a nice person, completely different from his father.

"So should I call you your highness or just Legolas?"

"Just Legolas would be nice" he grinned and I giggled back.

We walked around the garden talking. I couldn't believe THIS was Thranduil's son. But at some point they do look alike.

"You know, you are completely different from your father. He's cold, rude, never smiles, etc. And you are hyper happy positive child" I giggled at my own description of him.

Legolas smiled "yeah, I know he can be like that but he's a different person inside. After mom died, he didn't let anyone see his kindness because he believes that if you're kind, you will end up at the bottom..." Legolas looked down and at that I suddenly changed my mind and wanted to somehow figure him out. The king.

I put my hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry I talked about your father like that... maybe I am wrong, maybe everyone's wrong and your father might just be the best person. But if he locked out his old self, it will be hard to get him out"

Legolas looked up at me with an excited grin and hopeful eyes "will you try to bring him back?"

I smiled like a mother would do, it's a habit I can't get rid of.

"Of course I will." He hugged me out of the blue making me chuckle.

"Thank you!" I pet his back

"No problem. There there now, calm down" I chuckled once again. He was like a child i wanted to take care of.

He pulled away "can I help?"

"Sure darling-" I covered my mouth. "I-I'm sorry I usually call my friends that, it slipped out"

He laughed "it's alright, you can call me whatever you want, from now on, we are friends on a secret mission. Bring back my dad"

"Deal" I grinned and shook hands with him, both of us laughing at our childish actions.

"Now, what do you say, let's go steal some pie from the cook?" He offered.

"Hah, I'm best at stealing, even my best friend can't defeat me, let's see what you've got" I smirked.

It All Started On A Cold Winter Night... (Thranduil x reader)Where stories live. Discover now