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You can't stop it, you can't control it, you just can't. It was scientifically proven that living beings cannot - ever even if they tried - control their beating heart either from nervousness or when they are petrified more so when they feel nothing at all.

You? Well, from all the pressure that you let yourself create since the call, you lowkey praying that you can because oh you wish you could get rid of this unexplainable feeling inside your little human body moreover when you are getting ready for your date with Angel.

It isn't a date, you don't consider that as a date, or is it? You make sure to pick up the most appropriate work attire so it seems like you are on duty but nice enough to impress her. After all, the first impression is always important - except this isn't really your first.

You go ahead and put on your black slack and your favourite button-up blouse pairing with a very sophisticated blazer that you proudly own, the one you wore for your first job interview, you aced it by the way, wonderfully. You take a look in the mirror. You imitate exactly what your sister-in-law saying how posh you look. Perhaps she's right but it's your lucky outfit of the day. You got loads of job offers left and right after your sister posted a photo of you dressing the exact outfit you had put on on Instagram as a joke but it turns out to be a fortune for you. You didn't complain though, more publicity means more wealth.

You settle on your sofa while making sure your plan were fool-proofed so it would not raise any suspicion before heading out. You send a few text messages to your trustworthy colleague that formerly worked under you, he still is, but now he got his team working under him as well, just like you.

Luckily, he agreed to play your game. You take one final look at your home before getting your car key and your little pocket purse then go out. The hotel is not that far from where you live though it will take 30 minutes minimum to arrive. Once you parked your car in the public parking lot, you decided to stay for a little while to collect your thoughts together before heading in. Normally, you would park in the VIP zone but you are not going to risk it despite you won't be sharing a vehicle with Angel.

"Safe play," you muttered, checking yourself in the car mirror and making sure your breath is pleasant and your body odour isn't visible.

You let out a relief sigh through your mouth. "Calm yourself there, [y/n]. Everything is going to be fine. She won't feel suspicious." Self-reassurance is what you needed right now, God knows what will happen if you blew your cover, perhaps crying yourself to sleep or eating a whole tub of ice cream while listening to a sad song on repeat, sounds like what you would do.

You cussed yourself for having doubts, without wasting any time you unbuckle your seat belt and head out. Knowing that your mum probably will be in the hotel, you feel extra nervous if she ever finds out. You didn't even inform her about your presence.

"I'm here." You texted her, you didn't have high hopes that she would reply since you thought she would be busy but her instant reply caught you by surprise.

"Great! I'm in backstage now, getting ready for my show. Don't let your jaw hanging open ;)"

You swallow your saliva, feeling the butterflies inside your stomach is both unsettling and amusing at the same time. You smiled at her text, the winky emoji somehow attracts you to stare at it. It definitely means something but you don't want to judge just yet.

The line to the seats is quite long, it's even longer than the line from last Friday.

Why is the line so long? Didn't expect it would be this long on a weekday.

You wondered. Normally, people would be way too busy to consider a day out during weekdays especially when it's Thursday but the abnormality is quite unexpected. You sighed, didn't really think much of it and just continue to blend in and act like a regular citizen.

A Match made By Heaven - Alcina Dimitrescu (fxf)Where stories live. Discover now