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Whaa? A cliffhanger?


Wait, that is not what I meant.

"I'm proposing something." You chuckled at her reaction. Without wasting any more time, you open the velvet box and reveal a brooch with the signature [l/n] carving on it.

"I was notified that I needed to replace my father to attend a press conference, and it requires me to bring a plus one." You take a deep breath. This is a monumental moment for you, for now at least, and that is to ask her...

"Would you be my plus one?" There you go, you said it. Not Chris or any of your colleagues or close friends, but the Alcina Dimitrescu who remains a mystery to you. With a replica of puppy dog eyes, you looked at her with a glint of hope, she can't possibly refuse you, right?

The older woman looked at the brooch, a marking? or is it an honour? She raised an eyebrow at you. "This is..."

"An honour." You immediately answered her. "For the invitee, the inviter or perhaps both." In your point of view, you are honoured to have her with you.

Alcina begins to menacingly study you; from facial expression, body language and the non-verbal messages that might be hidden from you. though that doesn't take her long to crack a warm smile. This woman knows her worth, that devious look on her face is compelling evidence of her thinking you are the one who should be honoured to have her with you. The worst part is, you knew about it, and dare you say being put in that position excites you.

Strange, that never occurred to you. Ever. Why do you like it?

"I would love to." She said.

She said.

Of course, a slow smile formed on your lips and subconsciously glanced down briefly to hide your reddened cheeks before meeting her gaze again. "Thank you."

"Though I appreciate the dramatic flair in the beginning," The matriarch begins. "I couldn't possibly say no. After all, I found a simple proposal to be... tasteless." This earned a playful scoff from your end. Well, she is an entertainer.

"I will be there," Alcina added but then raised a suspicious eyebrow at you again and continued to observe you for a few more moments. This worries you. Nevertheless, you managed to cut her off just in time as she parted her lips to say something.

"I will for sure pick you up." I flashed my a million-buck smile.

"And they say chivalry is dead." She humoured you further. You chuckled a little at her words, she seems not to fail to deliver her witty remarks every single time you two are interacting. This makes you interested in her even more.

Woman, what did you do to [y/n]?

Before you know it, the dinner or the date, has come to an end. As solemn as it is, you can't deny you both have a great time together, except for the blonde. As you are standing in their doorway bidding your farewell, you can't help to notice Bela kept glaring at you but be that as it may, you couldn't care less. You'd roll your eyes at her if Alcina wasn't with you.

"So? How was the date?" Catherine asked through the phone whilst you were driving back to your estate.

"It was fine." Your voice sounds a little monotonous but your best friend knows you better than yourself. There's no denying that you are hiding a stupid smile on your face behind those words.

"I take that as a great date for you." She answered unamusedly. Oh no, it is not great, it is magnificent.

There are a few moments of silence between the two of you on the phone. Though you are usually sarcastic and witty, there are a few times you destroy that facade by miles. Suddenly, an ungodly excited shriek emitted from both of the ladies, like two school girls sharing their 3 seconds eye contact story with their crush and planning a whole future with them together.

A string of repeating 'oh my god' coming from the chaotic friend is deafening your ears but girl that got you excited as Catherine hollered. "A bitch is in love!"

"You don't EVEN know how nerve-wracking it is to meet her daughter!" you reciprocated her energy. "And asked her to be my plus-one? Like dafuq?!"

"Biiiiitch, tell me about it."

While you are driving back to your home, Catherine can't stop teasing you about Alcina and you humoured the conversation as well. It has been a while since you two gushed about your love life like this.

"I have to admit though, her daughter's constant glare annoys me."


She did not just say that!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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