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No wonder you feel empty when both of you talked about the Dimitrescu sisters because judging from the countless missed calls and the spam text messages from both your parents and your brother is evidence of your forgetfulness. You were blessed that there is no traffic on the way to the airport or else you have to prepare yourself from being yelled at by your sister.

She has the whole team ready to help her but of course, she wanted you to pick her up. Every time this happens, you ask her why she didn't bother to ask them for help, and her simple answer is just 'I just want to bother you is all', but the more frequently it happens, the more you think she just missed her elder sister and wanted to spend time with you. The thoughts made you soft but you can't show that to her, or else she's going to increase her ego.

"Where to?" You asked her after the long silence between the two of you in your car.

"Yours." She replied.

"Are you sure?" You asked once again to double-confirm her decision.

"Yeah, why'd you asks?" She crooned.

"You usually never want to crash at mine after a flight, or rather after a business trip." You blurted out. Well, to say never is a bit over, you'd say rarely.

"Well, the situation changes us." She hummed. Looking out of the window from the front seat while you drive back. The silence is settling nicely between the two of you in the dead hour. Suddenly, you remember something. Something that you witnessed before you approach your sister at the airport.

"So...." You begin. "What's going between you and Beau?"

"OH MY GOD, YOU JUST HAD TO ASK," Tracey says loudly.

"What? I have to. The two of you usually aren't that awkward around each other, how come you two are now? Seems like the two of you fought."

"It's - none of your business. Look, it's getting late. I'm tired, I'm pretty sure you are too, why not we discuss this tomorrow after we both rested?" She declared.

At this point, you can't do anything but agree. She's right though, both of you have had a long day so you mentally dropped the topic. However, you can't help but wonder what's going on. She and Beau have been best friends since he became her bodyguard. A little too close perhaps. You sensed there is a hidden agenda between the two young people but you feel like you know a hint.

Without a word of protest, you drove home and rest. The next day, you suddenly got up early. You slowly open the guest room door after softly knocking a few times. "Trace?" soft, whispers left your mouth as you peek at her sleeping form: wet and melted mascara was tainted on the pillow. You feel helpless for your sister but there's nothing you could do.

"What the hell made you cry this time, small bean..." You mumbled after closing the door unalarmingly. Seeing your sister in that state, you only have one thing in mind, which is cooking - or rather getting takeaway of her favourite comfort breakfast to cheer her up. You wish you could cook but the time doesn't allow you to. Plus, you are running out of groceries.

Swiftly grabbed your phone and ordered the food. Thankfully, it arrived right before you are about to leave for work. As her older sister, you are kind enough to leave a small note on the fridge saying that her breakfast is in the oven.

Work on Friday is usual for you, except tomorrow is Saturday so you puffed your chest and work harder. Then again, even if you want to do things in a willy-nilly manner, the next week's audition still needs someone to organize it. "Howdy, boss." The familiar voice of Chris boomed through your workstation after he politely knock on the door. "Come in." You replied without taking your gaze off the paperwork about the audition. "Any development?"

A Match made By Heaven - Alcina Dimitrescu (fxf)Where stories live. Discover now