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Who would have thought Friday night is the best time for anyone to sleep like a log after committing themselves to work a 9 to 5 stressful day job. Certainly, everybody would feel the same except for those who function the next day or just work in general. You still have loads of paper to settle but for now, let's just enjoy the moment.

"How long do you plan to stay here?" You raise a question to your sister at the dining table whilst having breakfast.

"Tomorrow, since you are going to be busy on Monday with that auditions." She mumbled through the bacon she is chewing which you scolded her non-verbally by clicking your tongue in a displeased tone. "On what day I won't be busy?" You teased her coyly then reached your hand for your coffee. Having takeaway for breakfast is not your usual habit but judging from how empty your fridge is and Tracey's constant refusal on going out led you to agree with her and stay at home. That is before the grocery 'date' with Catherine, you're still wondering if she could make it, or not like those other times she would cancel them last minute.

Speak of the devil, your phone rang on the other side of the room, startling both of you. Though, you unhurriedly get up and slide to receive the call.

"Heyyyy bitch." Catherine's joyous voice rings on the other line. Her opening makes you roll your eyes, and loud enough to make Tracey cackle.

"Catherine," You called her name in the most condescending tone. "It's 8 a.m. Can you not?" Out of annoyance, you mindlessly rolled your eyes at your bestie before sparing your sister a glance after she waved to get your attention. 'Put it on speaker' She mouthed towards you. Knowing how weirdly close they are, you know they will raise your annoy-meter to its highest but somehow you obliged her request, not without rolling your eyes once again.

"If you keep doing that you're gonna see how much grey hair you've gotten from ageing." She poked fun at you before happily conversing with Catherine.

Her words made your face contorted and subconsciously you slowly run your hand across your scalp. 'I'm not that old.' You thought.

"Hey [y/n]," Your friend's voice buzzed through the line. "I hope you're ready to go grocery shopping."

"I was about to ask, maybe you wanted to postpone it for another time." You reply with a sarcastic tone.

Cath clicked her tongue. "I just arrived at yours."

You raised your eyebrows with the corners of your lips curled down. "I'm impressed."

"You're not the only one who can be punctual."

With that said, you finished up and leave Tracey to her own in your home to join your friend to both of your destinations. The entire car ride was, as usual, filled with Cath talking about what she and her boyfriend did on the last weekend meanwhile you just sat there listening to her busy running mouth. Don't get it mixed up, you would babble about what's going on with your life too, like a therapy session, but it's very rare since you like to keep personal things to yourself. Well, you tried most things.

"So how's your little thing going on with... What's her name? Alci something?"

"What? No. That's not even her name." You retorted. "Her name is Angelica."

Catherine furrowed her eyebrows as she keep her focus on the road. "Are you sure?"

You nod your head a few times then started to tell her about that day when you accidentally visited her in her cafè. As you are joyously talking about your angel, what you are not aware of is her reaction after she tried to get your confirmation. Catherine might be aloof but she's not a moron to figure out that someone is lying about things like this albeit she gave you the benefit of the doubt, thinking someone as famous and known for the prominent change of a certain business, would go out of their way to fake things for the sake of their safety. Or whatever that means.

A Match made By Heaven - Alcina Dimitrescu (fxf)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz