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I got addicted to stress it seems


Oh well, you look at the date. It's the next day and guess who's nervous? Yeah, you.

You stood tall to your height on the ground after you got out of your car. Even though she texted you saying it's just a humble bungalow, you couldn't believe your eyes as you stared at the estate before you.

It looks extremely grand. Are you sure you followed the pinned location?

'Who are you exactly' You muttered to yourself before taking a deep breath as you prepared yourself to face the 'interrogation' she patronised you so much about, even through her text.

When you got up to the door, you used the doorbell. It rings a few times as you wait... And waited... "Am I in the right location?" you muttered to yourself.

Just when you're about to step away from the door, it opens. You are expecting to see Alcina but instead, a teenage girl with blonde hair answered the hair.

"May I help you?" The girl asked you with a raised eyebrow. You are a little shocked to see her but you gave her a little polite smile nonetheless.

"Is this the Dimitrescu's estate?" you asked, though a little trembly. You doubt she didn't notice that. And you're right, she noticed it.

The blonde woman covers her little snort and then begins to step aside. "Come in."

You are utterly confused as to what is happening.

"You should be thankful that the other two aren't here." The blonde speaks again, and that reaffirms that you are in the right estate. You don't know what to say but smile at the girl.

"Mother, the guest is here." Her voice boomed in the house followed by the sound of hurried footsteps rushing towards where we were.

Wait... What did she-

Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the familiar voice addressing your name, causing you to look up at the top of the stairs and there she is, dressed so angelically and classy.

Absent-mindedly, a smile formed on your lips looking like an idiot.

It seems like her daughter isn't very fond of you because the blonde cleared her throat while looking at you with an unamused expression. It makes the air between you and her feel awkward though you smile at her regardless.

"They're all the same." The blonde rolled her eyes at you and then walked towards the dining table.

What was that for? You thought to yourself.

"Hello, dear." There it is, the voice of a Goddess. Just something about her addressing you with a title of endearment makes your heart go boom. You can quite literally feel your knees go weak. This shouldn't be happening, you're always the one to offer throughout your relationships. The fact that a woman who's older than you manages to turn you into a gusher is weirdly insane.

You can't feel it nor she can see it, but a faint blush appears on your cheeks as you gaze into her beautiful eyes.

"Make yourself at home, darling. Dinner will be ready shortly." Just the moment she said that 2 women dressed in maid outfits came out and headed to the kitchen. You didn't even expect this woman who was standing before you to have a lavish life. More than you are, if you're being honest.

Yes, you have a luxurious condominium and work at one of the biggest entertainment companies but even you don't have a maid.

Alcina chuckled at your wide-eyed expression, seemingly finding it humorous. "Come." She commanded as she began to walk to the dining table, which you followed suit.

A Match made By Heaven - Alcina Dimitrescu (fxf)Where stories live. Discover now