Part 7

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"I have a lot to say so pay attention, this building is the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or USJ for short. Here we have various zones for different rescue scenarios you'll come across as a Hero, now who here has a dangerous Quirk?" 13 asks. "When I pick you tell us why your Quirk is dangerous"

I and a few others raise our hands, Bakugo, Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu.

"My Quirk is literally explosion, I can cause deafness, blindness and death but it also has so many more uses than 90% of you Extras" Bakugo says.

"In the darkness Dark Shadow gains immense power but goes berserk and I lose all control over him" Tokoyami says.

"I can create anything non living so I could make a nuke or even just destroy the economy" Yaoyorozu says bluntly as a few people back away from her in fear.

"My Quirk if not kept a tight leash on can kill easily, All Might would lose as he struggles to hurt 2 of my non defensive Toys but they are very subservient after I displayed my dominance of them" I say nonchalantly.

"Dominanc−?" 6−2 slaps Mineta as he tries to make a sexual innuendo."I ordered 6−2 to do that whenever you perv out Mineta get used to it"

"Woah cool you got fake Villains!" Kirishima says excited.

"They aren't fake they're the real things!" Aizawa calls. "Midoriya, you have full permission from Nezu himself to keep what you want! Go all out!""Yes Sensei! HUGGY K, G, P, C, B AND BOOGIE BOTS RED! ATTACK THE VILLAINS , NURSE JOYS, HUGGY O, Y, R, BOOGIE BOT PURPLE PROTECT THE STUDENTS! BOOGIE BOTS GREEN HARVEST"

I summon before teleporting down into the plaza and started blasting the Villains with my settings on stun.Boogie Bots collected them and took them to Huggy O who put them in the factory in cages I set up myself to erase Quirks.

I focus more on the zones then the plaza as I notice more out there than in the plaza itself, more Toys to play with. I clear out two zones getting a good 60 people before I check on Aizawa, what I find though pisses me off. I use Evaluate and find Aizawa has 7 broken ribs, two broken arms, one broken leg and eye socket fractures. I use my doubled up super speed and rush in yelling.

"HUGGY O−3 EVAC AIZAWA TO NURSE JOY 2!" I Evaluate the thing and get errors.

Name: NoMu.

Quirk: Shock Absorption.

Super Strength X5.

Super Speed X4.

Super Regeneration X6.

Injuries: None.

Structural Weak Points: Brain.

'What the fuck is this thing?!' I think as I rush over and punch it off of Aizawa knocking it a meter away.

"No no no no NO! Nomu kill that kid!" A man wearing hands says.

I teleport to the side and blast at full power vaporizing the entire upper body. No brain no regeneration.

"You cheater! I'll kill you!" Hand man screams in frustration before charging.

Before I can even aim at him a cloud like Villain appears and warps him away. I get another two Evaluates off them though.

Name: Tomura Shigaraki.

Quirk: Decay.

Injuries: None.

Structural Weak Points: None.

Name: Nomu Kurogiri.


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