²⁴new year

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december, thirty-first.

WHILE MOST OF THE GUESTS had arrived, it was robbo, who, almost two hours late, finally walked through the door of his liverpool teammate's home. he had just walked in and his strong personality was already filling the room with his recognisable accent and infectious smile. he greeted trent first with a brief hug, apologising for not being on time, and then finally laid eyes on tosca who was standing nearby.

"OH MY GOD MY ITALIAN GIRLLLL!" exclaimed robbo.

the principal concerned felt her lips stretch greatly before she moved closer to him and opened her arms for a reunion hug. he wrapped his arms around her before a deep female voice cut them off, "i'm also there."

it was giulia who had spoken and andy recognised her at a glance, as tosca had told him about her many times.

"OH MY GOD TWO ITALIANS GIRLSSS!" he exclaimed more loudly before also taking the other young woman in his arms who was laughing out loud.

if you didn't know robbo, it was easy to be led to believe that he was already a little drunk, yet he was quite clear-headed. his personality was just that way naturally, and that was why people loved him.

as the scotsman and giulia struck up a conversation, tosca turned her gaze from them to trent, who was already looking at her truly, he couldn't help it. with a charming smile, she enchanted him before turning away and making her way to the kitchen to pour herself a drink. since the beginning of the evening, she had been playing this little game: it was funny to see him react to her advances without him having the courage to go and see her.

finally deciding try something, he arrived from behind and wrapped his arm around the young woman's shoulders. she let herself go against his chest, enjoying his warm skin that perfectly encircled her neck before they both headed to the kitchen. she poured herself a drink before handing one to the young man, who had had several before. the room spun a little around him but he didn't care as long as she was there, close to him. no words were exchanged as they both looked at each other intently, each leaning on a counter, face to face with the same idea in mind.

however, as he moved closer to her to perhaps finally try something, she ducked out of the way and headed for the living room to join giulia who was now chatting with trent's older brother, leaving the footballer in total shock in the kitchen. she had turned around briefly to see his reaction and when she saw his mouth wide open, she laughed out loud, causing him to follow suit with a reluctant chuckle. her audacity would kill him one day. he watched from afar as her rolling hips moved away from him with a small smile on his lips, shaking his head slightly. he had missed her.

trent stayed in the kitchen for a few more seconds before getting up and going back to the living room to join the others. he and some of his teammates started playing foosball while tosca just chatted on the sofa with her best friend. as he had done since the beginning of the evening, whenever the young man had the opportunity, he would look at the young woman. if she laughed, he would smile, if a pout was apparent on her face, he would frown, and when she put her hair back in place, he would bite his lips and admire her.

and as he scored a goal for his team and curtis hugged him in celebration, trent saw giulia stand up in the distance, leaving tosca alone and a good chance for the young man. "play for me, i'll be back in a sec'," the footballer said hurriedly to harvey who was next to him before walking towards the sofa where tosca was.

unbearable, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now