>>{outing-(Valentines special)-7}<<

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Espresso opend the door and they went inside "you know where my room is, just uh- go there and read something, I'll make myself coffee" Madeleine looked at Espresso and shaked his head

After some seconds of silence, Madeleine started talking "can you show me how you make you coffee?"-"magic"

Madeleine was confused at first, but then he understood "its a joke don't worry" Espresso laughed "come with me"

They went in the kitchen, Espresso got some things and looked at Madeleine and was suprised "Wait- I just realized- you're a half head taller than me-" Madeleine started laughing "and I'm still growing"

Espresso looked at the ground "I'm not growing anymore" he laughed a bit and looked again at Madeleine

"Well well, let me just explain you how I make my coffee" Espresso put a cup on the table

(I think y'all know how to make coffee- well because I don't know I don't drink coffee, thats why I won't write it ._.)

After a minute, Espresso was finished "see, thats very easy" Madeleine looked at him "wha?"

Espresso started laughing while Madeleine was still confused "why are you laughing?"

He stopped laughing and started drinking his coffee, then he looked at Madeleine "well, we are here to learn something"

Madeleine nod and looked Espresso in the eyes, then he whispered: "his eyes are beautiful-"

Espresso was very confused "what did you say?" Madeleine winced "n-nothing-"

He was still confused, he just nod and went in his room, Madeleine right behind him

Madeleine suddenly asked: "Did you like that girl?" Espresso stopped walking and just stood right were he was "no, I didn't like her." After he said that, he looked at Madeleine

Espresso glared at Madeleine, his stare said something like: >why the hell are you asking that?<

Madeleine smiled "thats good" he looked at Espresso, and realized that he made himself more suspicious "well, because I really liked her. She uh- she was an old friend-"

Espresso was suprised about that "ouh- I uh- I'm so sorry for you"-"nono its fine. But another question: do you like girls?"

>why is he asking those stupid questions?! He just tomd me that the girl was an old friend and she died!< he stared at Madeleine

>but- Madeleine has a too good heart, all of his classmates are telling me that he wouldn't do a fly anything...<

Espresso realized that Madeleine asked him something "ouh well- uh- I don't know-?" He tried his best to hide his gayness, but Madeleine kept asking questions

He asked: "Have you ever been together with a girl?" Espresso started to believe, what the others said and turned a bit red >damn what in the name of Madeleine simpers do I believe in?! He isn't into me. No one likes a gay freak like me!<

After he thought that, he looked at the ground >no one...? No one like a gay cookie-? I... don't understand-...< Espresso teared up a bit, Madeleine saw that and put his hand on his shoulder

"Espresso, dear friend" he said. "Why are you crying? What were you thinking about-?" Espresso looked at the ground "I- I don't think anyone likes a gay cookie-"

Madeleine laughed "did you forgot that I'm pansexual? Even if you are gay, I accept and support that" he smiled at Espresso. He teared up even more and hugged Madeleine

"Thank you Madeleine, you're such a good friend" Madeleine was silent after Espresso said that. >a friend...<


I could swear I uploaded this once on Valentine...


Anyways, I hope y'all liked that short chapter, have a nice day/evening ^^

yandere Madeleine x Espresso//you're crazy... {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now