>>{Lattes real power-18}<<

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Rape (I'M SO FUCKING SORRY- PLS DON'T HATE ME FOR WHO GOT RAPED- of course the rape if only mentioned don't worry)


After some more days they arrived at the sealed hidden base, they opened the seal and watched a doors open itself

"Incase we die here, I have to say it was a pleasure to meet you" Espresso said, Madeleine just smiled "incase we die, I have to do something"

Madeleine held his hands at Espressos cheeks "you're the most beautiful and smartest cookie i've ever seen. I really love you and would even kill for you. I just hope that you think the same and don't think I'm crazy for what I'll do now"

Madeleine looked Espresso in the eyes, he was red like a tomato and so was Espresso

Espresso nod and closed his eyes, Madeleine also closed his eyes

Their lips nearly touched themselfs


"Disgusting" she said and looked at them "I thought raping a pansexual to make him straight was enough to get away this disgusting gay bullshit"

Espresso looked at her with open eyes "YOU DID NOT- DIGUSTING PICE OF SHIT- I HATE YOU"


Espresso jumped on his mother and punshed her in the face "Thats for hating me" he screamed and punshed her again "thats for trying to kill me, that for hating on gays and thats for raping a nice cookie you even love!"

Coffee cookie used her magic to push him down "I'm the strongest coffee magic cookie in the kingdom! You can't kill me" she made a cage and kicked Madeleine and Espresso in there "you can stay here and wait until someone saves you, ehich I don't think will happen"

She laughed and walked away "It's my fault" Espresso said "I should've just went here alone instead of putting you in so much danger" he looked at Madeleine

"No, I should've never talked to you in school. I should've fallen for someone else... it's my fault." Then it was quiet

Just quiet

For a very long time...

"Mother" that was a more feminine voice "leave Espresso and his boyfriend alone"

It was Latte cookie "what-? Latte what are you doing here?!" Espresso asked, Latte just clapped in her hands two times and the cage dissapeared

"Latte, honey. Just go home alright? I can't be here" coffee cookie said in a very caring voice, Latte just jumped on her and pinned her on the ground "you're such a little bitch. I wish I wasn't your daughter!"

Latte jumped up and attacked her with a coffee bean, her mother couldn't react in time and got hit by it "what?! I thought you can only use Latte magic!" She screamed and got up.

Latte laughed at her and smiled "no mother, Espresso and I also learned some cacao magic. I can use it perfectly now" a wave of cacao powder attacked Coffee cookie. She got burried alive

"Espresso, Madeleine. Get some help. Cacao magic can get you back to the kingdom with a portal" she said and looked at Espresso, he just nod and used cacao magic to create a portal

"See ya in some minutes, Latte" they said and went throught it

Coffee cookie got out of the grave of cacao powder "it's not allowed to use 3 magics!" She said, Latte laughed "no mother. It's not allowed to use 2 magics if you're 11 or under. 3 magics if you're 14 or under. 4 magics if you're 16 or under and 5 magics for everyone. Guess whose birthday is today and guess who ruined it."

Coffee looked at her daughter and was ashamed "you're 16 now... happy birthday honey!" She said, Latte just smirked and answered "too late" Latte pointed on her and a tall explosive coffee bean appeared over Coffee cookie

The only thing everyone could hear was a big boom all over the forest and in the kingdom

Latte saved herself with a cacao powder shield, she also saved Pure Vanilla "you're save now" she said and uncoffed him from the chair

A portal opened itself and Espresso ran to latte and hugged her tightly "Thank you so so so so so so so so-"

He got interrupted and laughed "shut up bro."

Madeleine ran to pure Vanilla and hugged him "you're save now father. Let's forget all this shall we?" He said with tears in his eyes. Pure Vanilla nod and all of them went back to the kingdom and lived happily ever after....

Just kidding yall think this ends here?



See ya in the next chapter :)

Oh and by the way, for those who want to have epic and smut Roleplay on whatsapp, here a link for a community thing


Have fun :)

yandere Madeleine x Espresso//you're crazy... {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now