Chapter 1

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"HE KILLED THE HORSE, DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN," Emily said. "Emily, you need to calm down, it was a dream," her brother, Ben, said. Emily rolled her eyes and walked out to the barn, mumbling to herself. She heard someone talking so she slowly crept around the corner with something to defend herself with.

She saw someone touching her horse, it was someone she'd never expect to be there. It was the vet, she walked in with confidence. She said "excuse me, but what in the great gods world are you doing here?" The vet said ", I was told to look at hazelnuts." Emily thought to herself why would he wanna look at MY horse I never called him. Maybe Ben told him to but why would Ben tell him to look at my horse?

Emily said "who told you to look at Hazelnut, that's my horse." The vet said "Ben did, he said there was something with her foot. Well I should be going anyway." He hurried and packed all his stuff up and rushed out the door like he didn't want to tell me what he found out, almost like he didn't check her out. He left but he dropped a piece of notebook paper that was folded very small, almost like it could fit in a shirt pocket.

I grabbed it off the ground of the barn floor, I couldn't believe what it said. I was in shock almost surprised about it, but it said:

Get these three horses and you'll get paid $30,000 and you have to get these ones specifically. Hazelnut, Spice, and Twilight.

Hazelnut $15,000
Spice $10,000

Twilight $5,000

If you get these to me before the due date you will get an extra $10,000. If you're late you will drop $5,000 every day you're late. The due date is Friday which gives you a week.

Emily was in shock, she ran to the house screaming for Ben. Ben came running to her, thinking she was hurt. He never would think anything would happen, anything near this. Emily was outta breath and almost hyperventilating, Ben looked confused fully.

Ben said "Em before you tell me anything I need you to breathe in count to 5, then breathe out while counting to 5. Got it?" Emily shook her head yes and did so. Once she calmed down she gave the note to Ben and said "the vet dropped this this morning and told me you told him to check hazelnut." with a shaky voice.

Ben shook his head whispering no to himself repeatedly, while Emily had a confused facial expression. Ben ran out the door to the barn, first checking if hazelnut is ok, then spice, then Twilight. Luckily the damage on the horses weren't really bad, just minor things.

These things were Twilight's gorgeous black mane being chopped off with an ax, the rest of the horses hadn't gotten touched. Hazelnut is a golden mare with a reddish almost reddish brown colored mane. While Twilight is fully black with no white on her. Then Spice is a paint with black and brown spots almost creating a marble effect and a very pretty white mane and background coat. All the horses' tails match their manes almost perfectly.

Ben ran inside telling Emily to call around to people for the horses to stay at. THe biggest issue was trying to find a barn with 3 empty stalls and someone who doesn't know the vet. She called 15 places and finally found someone. The only problem was getting twilight into the trailer with her not liking trailers.

Twilight is a really great horse and she's just really spookable and she's been abused in the past.

The Vetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें