Chapter 2

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Emily was the only one who could successfully get Twilight in the trailer but today was different. Today she wanted to stay like there was something wrong. SInce Emily knew people who are in a veterinarian school she called them. There were only a few of them who lived in town, which were Mia, Ethan, and Faith.

Emily decided the first person to call was Faith because she doesn't have schooling today. Faith answered and said "I can try and make it to your place in thirty minutes, but if I follow the street laws I'll be there in an hour." Emily said that works as long as you're here by five thirty, which it's 3:01 so you've got more than an hour." Emily started to get Hazelnut in the trailer while waiting for Faith to get here to look at Twilight.

Hazelnut got in the trailer with a little fight but not much and Spice got in perfectly with no issues. Emily and Ben started getting everything in the trailer but in the middle of this Faith pulled up. Emily walked out of the trailer while she waited for Faith to pull up near her. Faith got out of the car and said "so where are yall going that Twilight has to be in the trailer?"

Emily answered saying "my new vet Marck isn't such a great person, he's trying to steal Hazelnut, Twilight, and Spice. So we're moving them to a close friend's barn so they can be safe while we see what's all going on with this Matk dude." Faith answered saying "ok, ok makes sense. Where is this Twilight I've been hearing about because she seems like she might be scared of the trailer or might have something going on. Have you ever used this trailer with her?" Ben answered "no it's a brand new trailer, we just bought it a week ago brand new."

Faith said "Either Twilight doesn't like the trailer for the fact it's new or like I said she might have something going on so first I'm going to check her out. One of you two can come back here while I do this or I can do this with nobody back here it doesn't matter just only one person." Ben nudged Emily to go with Faith as she started walking to the back.

An hour later Ben knocked on the barn door saying "are yall almost done it's 4:35." The Faith yelled out "yes just one more thing then she'll be all checked out, ok?" Ben said ok and walked away checking on the horses in the trailer. While he was doing this he saw an unusual white Ford F-250 pulling up. He looked confused as he saw them do a U turn once they saw Ben. Ben got their license plate number and wrote it down on the nearest thing.

Emily walked out to Ben and said "are we able to wait like one to four hours? Spice is pregnant and about to give birth. That's why she won't get in the trailer." Ben said "yes, I'll call and let them know we will be behind by one to four hours, ok?" Emily shook her head yes and ran back to Spice hearing Faith yell for her.

Faith yelled for her because Spice just started foaling. Emily helped Faith in every way she could. Emily walked up to Ben and asked him to come back and see the beautiful foal, she was weak because of her being just born. They waited till the umbilical cord broke from the mare or the foal. After that they waited another thirty minutes for the foal to get used to walking.
Faith warned that the foal might not make the trip unless someone sits in back with her and her mom. Emily asked if they could just take two vehicles, and two trailers. Faith said "that would be the wisest thing to do," so they did that. Emily drove the truck behind Ben, while Faith watched the foal and her mom in the back trailer that Emily was driving.

They made it to the barn around 10:15 p.m. The owner Christopher came outside and said "I thought I was going to only get three horses." Emily said "sorry, we didn't know Spice was this close to foaling." Christopher replied with "it's ok sweetie we've gotta extra stall those two can stay in, I'll show y'all around so y'all can come over and take care of them and not get lost." Everybody laughed a little then figured everything out.

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