Chapter 1

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Sang POV:

I surveyed my surroundings taking in the large clearing surrounded by a dark shadowy forest. The full moon set the scene alight with a silver glow. The world was silent and so were we. I studied the small house in the center of the clearing waiting for Mr. Blackbourne to give the signal to approach.

It was my first real mission with all of the guys. Kota had been completely against it but had eventually agreed. We had finally tracked down Volto to this small house in the middle of nowhere and had surrounded the clearing. The forest was full of Academy members ready to take him down. The guys had brought me along because Volto seemed to like me, and if he went nuts I was probably the only one who could stop him from doing something stupid, like killing everyone.

We had been waiting for hours and I was getting really tired of crouching on the ground. As I was about to sit down the comms unit in my ear crackled to life and Mr. Blackbourne spoke.

"All right everyone its time to move in. Sang stay behind the rest of us okay."

I sighed, "Of course."

"Good. Let us hope that we are able to finally apprehend Volto tonight."

A chorus of agreements sounded and everyone started to move in. We stalked silently through the tall grass making our way towards the house. As we got closer the wind shifted and I smelled something. I hesitated to call it in but even the smallest detail could be life saving in this kind of situation.

"Mr. Blackbourne" I whispered.

"What's wrong Miss Sorenson?" he questioned.

"This is gonna sound really weird but I smell something?"

After a moment of silence he spoke, "What do you smell?"

I hesitated a second sniffing the air again. "I don't know. The scent is familiar but I can't place where I have smelled it before. It smells kind of like something's burnt or like those fireworks that we set off for New Years."

At this point Luke interrupted, "So Volto recently had a New Years Eve Party."

I snorted, "No, it something else. It smells like..." I trailed off closing my eyes and smelling the air a few times. After a few second it hit me. The gun shop Nathan had taken me in the other day smelled the same. So did I smell guns? No, not guns, gunpowder!

"Mr. Blackbourne, It was gun powder I was smelling, not fireworks!"

"Everyone get out of there now. It's a trap!" He bellowed.

Swearing echoed through the communication device in my ear as people blew their cover to race towards the trees. I started to turn around and run when I heard a new voice that sent chills down my spine.

"I'm sorry Sang but it's to late to escape your fate. " I jerked up at Volto's voice and my eyes shot around the clearing. My gaze immediately connected with Mr. Blackbourne's steel one. I'm so sorry, I mouthed. His panicked face and silvery gray eyes were the last thing that I saw before my world exploded and everything went black.


I was swimming through darkness. All of my senses were dulled and it was driving me insane. The only thing that I could feel was the pain and I welcomed it. It was the only thing that proved to me that I wasn't dead. I must be unconscious. I wonder how long I have been out. I hope everyone else made it out okay.

I was starting to become agitated that I wasn't waking up. I had to get back to the boys they were probably worried sick. I had to wake up right now. I pushed through the darkness hoping to catch a glimpse of light.

After what seemed like an eternity everything became brighter and I started to hear voices. I didn't recognize them but I made out a few words like, coma patient and remarkable. I wondered whom they were talking about but it didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was my family. The boys were waiting for me, but I just had to wake up.

With one final enormous push my eyes flew open and a searing white light blinded me. I cried out in pain and my eyes slammed shut.

"Shhhhh. Its alright sweetie." A kind but unfamiliar voice said. "You've been a sleep for a while and it's going to take some time to adjust to the light."

After a few minutes I slowly inched my eyes open. Some one had pulled the curtain shut and turned down the light but I could still see the room perfectly. The first thing that I thought was meanie would have a fit if he saw this room. Everything was white, the walls, the sheets, the machines, and even the curtains were white.

I paused, speaking of Gabriel, where was he? Where was everybody? The guys wouldn't leave me alone and unable to defend myself. The only other person in the room was a tall middle-aged woman in a white doctors coat. I smiled because it reminded me of Sean. I couldn't wait to see him and the others.

I looked up at the lady wondering why Sean had let someone else be my doctor, "Where's Sean? Where am I?"

"Your in the hospital sweetheart. You have been unconscious for a while. As for your first question I don't know a Sean."

I frowned at this. Where were the guys? And who was this chick anyway? Maybe she is new. "Who are you?"

"I'm Adeline Blair, your doctor."

"I think there must be some mistake. Sean Green is my doctor."

"I'm sorry Sang you must be a little confused, there is no Sean Green as this hospital."

At this my breathing stopped and my pulse quickened. I started to panic. "Where am I? What happened? Where are the guys? "

"Sang listen to me." Dr. Blair said taking my face in between her palms. "I will tell you what happened if you promise to calm down. You can't get upset you might have a relapse."

I slowed my breathing and nodded at her. I had to find out what was going on.

"This is going to be a lot to take in dear, but I want you to know that I am here for you every step of the way." She said softly. Dr. Blair removed her palms from my face and grasped my two hands between hers.

"Sang you had an accident, a very bad one. You took a blow to the head and it knocked you unconscious. You have been in a coma for a while now and your family placed you here under my care. They had to move recently but told me if you were to wake up to inform them and they would come get you."

At this point I interrupted her. "Wait you said that I have been asleep for a long time."

Dr. Blair didn't answer me but she got a sad look in her eyes.

"Dr. Blair exactly how long is a long time?"

This time she couldn't even look me in the eye. "Now isn't the best time to discuss this. You should rest and because therapy begins tomorrow."

"How long have I been asleep?" I snapped

She sighed and looked at me with an expression that said it all. I felt my heart start to race and I blanched.

"No." I whispered.

Dr. Blair hung her head. "I'm so sorry Sang, but you have been asleep for 3 years, you've been in a coma since you were 13 ."

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