Chapter 6

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(Same scene from previous chapter just in a different point of view)

North POV:

            We had just finished having a family meeting when Kota left to walk Max. We had been discussing our new mission to Ashley Waters. It was going to be the most difficult mission that we had ever taken but we were in desperate need of the favors.

            As I was reading through the files any optimism I had about this assignment disappeared. I was pretty sure that we were going to fail miserably. When I mentioned this at the meeting I was met with mixed responses. A few of them agreed with me while others did not. Luke's response was to tell me to stop being so pessimistic, but someone had to be realistic around here.

            Mr. B had responded by reminding everyone to keep an open mind. If we went into the mission thinking that we were going to fail we probably would. We moved on to other smaller matters and within 20 minutes we were finished and sprawled throughout the room.

Kota left to walk Max and Gabriel, Nathan, and Luke started playing video games. After a couple of minutes Dr. Green stood up and brushed off his slacks grabbing his phone and his coat.

            "Well I had better get back to the hospital. Don't know how long they will be able to survive without me."

            As he turned to leave the door to the garage flew open. Kota burst into the room breathing heavily and yelling for help. We all surged towards him only to step dead in our tracks at what lay in his arms, or rather who.

            The most beautiful girl I had ever seen was draped across Kota's arms. She had long flowing dirty blond hair, delicate features, and unbelievable curves. She was absolutely gorgeous. I felt a sudden stab of jealousy towards Kota that he was the one to find her. I shook it off immediately feeling guilty.

            Dr. Green was the first to recover and he rushed towards them yanking off his coat. He gently scooped the girl out of Kota's embraced and lowered her onto the now empty couch.  He moved with the speed and precision of someone who had dealt with fainting girls on a regular basis. He laid a hand on her forehead and frowned.

            "No fever. I don't think she's sick." He reached down and checked her pulse. "Pulse is fine as well." Next he felt around the back and sides of her head. "No obvious damage to her head. I'm not sure what's wrong with her. I will have to wait till she wakes up to examine her further. If she doesn't wake up in the next half hour we need to take her to the hospital."

            Mr. Blackbourne frowned and studied her for a moment before turning to us. "We should give her some space and wait for her to wake up. In the mean time we can discuss how we are going to handle this. Everyone go to the kitchen and keep your voices down. I want to be able to hear if she wakes up."

            We all filed into the kitchen and made ourselves comfortable. Once everyone was settled Mr. Blackbourne removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. "We need to decide what we are going to do about the girl."

            "What do you mean, I mean obviously the smart thing to do is just to make sure that she is okay and then send her home." I replied.

            Luke snorted and rolled his eyes. "Why are you always like this? Why can't we try and become friends with her?" Several of the guys nodded while other looked skeptical.

            I growled and turned towards him. "Because we have a job to do and becoming involved with her interferes with that job. Being friends with her would put her in danger. She would be a weak link that could be used against us. Besides I doubt that she'd stick around anyway. She would probably think that we're all nuts."

            Luke sighed and the rest of my brothers agreed. At this point Mr. Blackbourne interrupted. "Our relationship with her doesn't matter at the moment. First we need the whole story before we can plan our next move. What happened Mr. Lee?"

            As Kota began to explain what happened I shifted slightly and put my back next to the door. As I settled back into place I heard a soft noise that sounded like creaking. I tensed and then listened for a moment. When I didn't hear anything else I decided that it must have been my imagination.

            "Wait you said she came out of one of the houses. Which one was it?" Nathan asked with a confused expression on his face.

            Kota thought for a moment before replying. "It was that gray one that's been empty for a while but that family just bought. I was pretty surprised because I thought they only had one daughter. I think her name is Marie."

            There was silence for a few seconds before Gabriel voiced what we were all thinking. "So if you don't know her, then who is she?"

            Kota hesitated as if he was slightly confused. "I don't know."

            A small gasp emanated from the living room and we all shot to standing positions. I quickly turned around and yanked open the door. I was just in time to see her vault over the couch and race for the door. I snarled and took off after her. She wasn't getting away from us that easily.

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