Chapter 7

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Sang's POV:

            As Dr. Green led me towards the couch I studied him. He looked exactly the same as he had in my dream and I couldn't help but wonder if maybe I had been lied to. But then again, if the hospital had been lying about the length of time I had spent in a coma why didn't the boys remember me. They all looked, moved, and spoke exactly as I had dreamt them and it was slightly disconcerting. As I settled onto the couch and prepared myself to be examined, I came to the conclusion that I was either insane or there was something fishy going on here. Lost in my thoughts I failed to notice when Sean spoke to me.           

            "I'm sorry. What did you say?" I asked blushing slightly with embarrassment.

            He smiled softly. "I asked you what your name was." I hesitated a moment. I may have spent three years dreaming about these boys but it was quite possible that they weren't who I thought they were. However, if I wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery there was only one thing I could do. Right now these academy boys were the only clues that I had so I needed to stick to them like glue. At least till I found out what was going on, and that meant I had to tell them my name.

            "Sang." I said softly. Kota had knelt down in front of me next to Dr. Green. At my reply his eyebrow shot up.

            "Sang? As in "I sang a song." He asked. I nodded slightly.

            "I know, its weird right?"

            Kota laughed softly. "No weirder than Kota. Which is my name by the way. But I guess weird names are nice." Kota's choice of words startled me and I nearly fell off the couch.

            "Yeah I guess so." I tried to mask my shock but I was never very good at hiding my emotions, so it didn't quite surprise me when several looks were exchanged throughout the room.

            "Well then Sang" Sean said, "I'm Dr. Green and if you don't mind I'm going to try and make sure that you're okay."

            For the next couple of minutes Sean examined me while asking questions like, "How are you feeling?" "Does anything hurt?"  "Do you have a boyfriend?"  That last one earned him a slap on the back of the head from North and a few annoyed looks from the others. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. After a few more minutes Dr. Green stood up and brushed off his jeans.

            "Well, as far as I can tell nothing seems to be damaged. Nothing is sprained or broken. You don't have a concussion or even a small bump on your head, which is strange. I'm not entirely sure why you passed out and I can't do any further testing here. I would have to admit to you a hospital to find out what happened."

            "No!" I practically shouted as soon as the word hospital left his mouth. If they took me to the hospital my mother would find out and she would freak. Thinking about my mother reminded me that I had already been gone too long, and the longer I stayed out the more likely it was that she would discover my absence. At my slightly panicked tone Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne locked eyes and they seemed to have a silent conversation.

            "I mean, uh, I've already caused so much trouble and I feel fine. It's not really worth it. Besides I really need to get home, my family is probably worried sick. But thanks for all the help and everything." I stood up and edged towards the door.

            "Wait." Kota pleaded. "We just want to talk to you and make sure that you're really okay."

            "I-I'm fine." I stuttered slightly. I was starting to feel anxious. " I'm just tired it's been a long d-day and I just need to rest."

            Kota reached for me and I stumbled backwards. I gasped slightly when I hit a solid chest and a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I jerked away and spun to find Silas staring down at me with a confused and slightly concerned expression. He opened his mouth to speak but I shot past him heading for the door once again.

            I heard them shouting for me to stop or calling my name but I couldn't take it anymore. The pain of having them stand right in front of me but not recognize me was overwhelming and I had to get out. I reached the door and hesitated for a single moment. I turned slightly and my shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry." I whispered before jerking the door open and sprinting out of the house.

             I ran down the street past the diner and into the woods. I put on more speed racing through the trees like my life depended on it. I didn't even stop to think about what I was doing. I just ran, forcing my legs to move even when my muscles felt like they were on fire. I might not of been sure why I was running or where I was going, but one thing I was certain of was that no amount of running was going to fix this problem. This was a situation that I was going to have to face head on and when the time came I was positive that the collision wasn't going to be a pretty one.

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