Chapter 9

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Sang's POV:

After sitting in the woods for what felt like an eternity but turned out to be only half an hour, I decided that I really needed to head home. I dragged myself up off the ground and trudged through the trees in the direction of my house. I knew that I needed to head through the back door so if my mother questioned my disappearance I could just tell her that I had been out exploring the woods.

I reached the back yard and I slowly walked towards the door. I turned the knob and pulled the door open stepping inside. I listened carefully but I didn't hear the sounds of anyone moving. However, I still proceeded with caution knowing that my mother could be very quiet when she wanted to be. I snuck up the back stairs and down the hall to my room. I paused outside the door listening once again to make sure there was no one inside. I heard a faint snoring coming from my mother's room and I breathed a sigh of relief and yanked the door open stepping inside quickly and shutting it behind me. I closed my eyes and pressed my back to the door breathing a sigh of relief. I slowly slid down the door till I was sitting on the floor. I smiled softly rejoicing in the small victory of being able to avoid discovery by my mother.

"You know for someone who so desperately wanted to go home you sure did take a long time to get here." My eyes shot open and I gasped surging to my feet. Lying comfortably stretched out on my bed was Luke.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed. Luke opened one eye lazily and stared at me.

"After you left I realized that I didn't get to introduce my magnificent self, so I immediately came to remedy that mistake. I'm Lucian Taylor, but everybody calls me Luke."

My mouth dropped open and I started at him in disbelief. "You broke into my house and snuck into my room, risking the possibility of getting caught and sent to jail, just to tell me your name?"

Luke sat up and grinned at me. "Well, yeah. I didn't know if I would get another chance." His smile dimmed considerably. "And I wanted to make sure that you were okay. You seemed really upset back at Kota's house.

I studied him for a moment. He looked relaxed and completely at ease sitting in my room, as if he wasn't even remotely afraid of the possibility of being caught. His eyes sparkled and held a glint of curiosity and mischief that should have made me slightly uncomfortable. But this was Luke; he was the last person that I would ever be nervous around. I sighed in defeat and strode over to the bed plopping down next to him.

"I'll be fine. I was just kind of overwhelmed and I've been through a lot recently. It was just too much for me to handle. Does Kota know you're here?"

Luke's eyes widened in surprise, probably because I had already figured out Kota's role in the group, then he winced slightly answering my question before he even spoke. "You catch on quick. Unfortunately he does not. So I would appreciate it if we could keep this little visit between us. He'd probably eat me alive if he knew I was here."

I smiled softly. "You don't have to worry my lips are sealed. I won't go running to the big bad Kota to snitch on you."

"Well I appreciate it. I prefer having my arms attached to my body and not sawed off and shoved down my throat. Which is probably what would happen if I he found out."

I giggled softly and Luke's entire face lit up. He grinned down at me. "You should laugh more often. It's a beautiful sound." At his words I blushed a deep red and his grin got even bigger.

"Aw, look, I made you blush. You're so adorable." I opened my mouth to reply but then I heard a noise come from downstairs. I felt all the blood drain from my face and I started to tremble.

Luke grin disappeared completely and he opened his mouth to speak. I immediately clapped my hand over his mouth silencing him. I cocked my head slightly to the side and listened for any more noises. The second I heard a creak on the stairs I shot off the bed dragging Luke with me. I yanked open the attic door and shoved him inside. He gave me a confused look but I just put a shaking finger over my lips in a gesture of silence.

The terror that must have been written all over my face is probably what convinced him to nod and crawl deeper into the attic pulling the door shut behind him. Once he was safely inside I shot over to the dresser and turned on the radio. I snagged a book off the shelf and I had just settled comfortably on the bed and opened the book when the door flew open.

Standing in the hall was my mother. Her eyes narrowed at me and then her gaze darted around the room. She took a step forward. "I heard voices." She said.

I forced my face into the picture of innocence and my eyebrows shot up. "Must have been the radio."

Her face took on a suspicious expression. I could tell that she didn't believe me but there was no evidence to suggest that I was telling anything other than the truth. "Was there something that you needed?" I asked.

"I just came to tell you that dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes and I expect you to be there."

"Of course." I said. She frowned at me and then turned and walked out the door slamming it shut behind her. I breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the bed. That was way too close.

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