Chapter 8

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(I realize that the previous chapter was a little short so i decided to go ahead and put another one up. This is a little short too...Sorry. Hope you like it. Also feedback is always appreciated.)

Kota's POV:

            When Sang ran out the door I felt as if someone had punched me in the gut. I immediately felt the loss of her presence and the impact it had on me was surprising. I didn't understand why I had become so attached to her in such a short amount of time; it just didn't make any sense. I had literally just met her and I already felt like I depended on her presence to survive. She was so mysterious and intriguing. My entire body burned with curiosity and the need to know more about her. I could tell from the expressions of my brothers that I wasn't the only one who felt the overwhelming need to solve this mystery.

            For the first few moments after the door slammed shut behind her we stood in absolute silence. No one moved and no spoke, the only thing that could be heard was the soft steady noise of breathing and the mildly annoying tick of a clock. I unconsciously started to count along with it, the moments until someone would break the silent barrier that had settled between us.


            I was just about to relent and be the one to speak first when Dr. Green stepped forward.

            "Well that was weird." North snorted and rolled his eyes.

            "Did you see her face?" Silas asked.

            "What do you mean?" Victor asked sounding confused.

            "When Doc mentioned the hospital she looked," he hesitated a moment as is searching for the right words. " She looked scared."

            "Not scared." I said with a small shake of my head. "She looked terrified."

            "She's hiding something." When Mr. Blackbourne spoke all eyes turned towards him. "She's hiding something and I want to know what it is."

            "I don't think that she's going to just magically trust us and pour out her deepest darkest secrets. We just met after all."  Luke reasoned.

            "Then give her a reason to trust us." He said. "I need to know if she could be an asset to this team or a danger to it."

            He grabbed his coat and headed towards the door. "But did you see her?" North asked. "She was so delicate and vulnerable. How could she possibly be a danger to us?"

            "Looks can be deceiving Mr. Taylor. Don't underestimate her just because she looks small and scared."

            "I think you're right." I said. "I think she's got secrets but I don't think they are a danger to us. I think that whatever she is hiding is more harmful to her than it ever could be for us."

            Mr. Blackbourne studied me for a moment before nodding. "I trust you to deal with this situation however you see fit Mr. Lee. Just be careful."

            I nodded hearing the real message. This is your call. The decision is yours and if you make the wrong one you could put your family in serious danger. As he strode out the door I made my decision. We were going to find out what Sang was hiding and if she was in trouble we were going to help her in any way possible. I just hoped this wouldn't come back to bite me in the butt.

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