Chapter 2

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Sang POV:

For a moment I couldn't breathe, I couldn't even move. If I had been in a come since I was thirteen that meant... NO! I couldn't even bear to think of it. They had to be real. I needed them to be. If they weren't real my life would go back to the nightmare that it always has been.

"You're lying." I said. "You have to be."

"I'm so sorry I wish that I could tell you I was." She replied.

In the background I could hear the machines start to beep but it didn't register with me I was too numb. I didn't feel Dr. Blair's hands on my face. I didn't hear her calling my name or see the team of nurses and doctors that flooded into the room. All I could feel was the utter despair. Everything that I loved, everything that I lived for was fake.

The darkness started to close in threatening to send me back into a coma and I almost let it. I started to let go when I realized something. The guys even if they weren't real would never want me to be like this. They would freak out if they found out that I went back into a coma because of them. I couldn't do this I had to stay awake.

I fought back against the overpowering darkness and the light came flooding back in. My senses came back with a sharper clarity, everything was brighter and clearer. Dr. Blair's concerned face came into focus.

"Sang sweetie. Can you hear me?"

I looked at her and smiled. I was pretty sure that the smile on my face wouldn't fool a drunken badger but it certainly helped Dr. Blair to relax.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I was just so shocked."

"Its alright dear, although I'm a tad bit concerned. You looked like someone dear to you had just died."

To me someone had just died, nine someones. But I wasn't about to tell her that. In fact I decided that I wasn't going to tell anyone about my dreams. I was going to keep them to myself. I was going to keep them locked up and guarded in my heart forever. They might not be flesh and blood but they were real to me, they always would be.

After everyone else left Dr. Blair checked me over to make sure everything was running okay. We talked about my condition for a while. She explained to me that while my entire body felt weak, with time and therapy I would be able to do anything a normal teenager could do. I almost snorted when she said normal but then I remembered that the life I thought I had was a lie and that I very well could be a normal teenager.

While she spoke to me about the options for therapy I gave her my full attention hoping that she could distract me. I couldn't think about the guys right now without bursting into tears and I wasn't sure that I wanted to do that in front of her.

After sitting in silence for a while Dr. Blair spoke up. "Sang can I ask you a question?"

"I guess so." I replied with some apprehension.

"Some coma patients have very vivid dreams while they are asleep." At her words I tensed up. "Some of them even believed that their dreams were a reality. This can cause some serious problems. So if you did dream during your coma I need you to tell what you dreamed about."

There was no way I was ever going to tell her anything. So I took a deep breath closed my eyes for and moment before opening them and looking her straight in the eyes.

"I can't remember much but what I do remember I know isn't real." I don't know whether she could tell if I was lying or not but she seemed to accept my answer.

After a few more minute of silence her pager went off and she frowned.

"I have to go but I will be back soon. Do you want me to send someone to stay with you?"

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