Chapter 5

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Sang POV:

            I slowly stirred and my eyes fluttered open. As I took in my surroundings, I noticed that I was lying on an unfamiliar couch in a house I didn't recognize. For a second I thought that I had been kidnapped and I started to panic, but then I remembered what happened. I remembered Marie's harsh words and how much they hurt. Then I remembered running out of the house only to be knocked over by Max and then rescued by Kota. I almost groaned in embarrassment, I couldn't believe that I had passed out in front of Kota.

            Then it really hit me. Kota was real! He was a real, living, breathing, human being. I almost squealed in delight, maybe I hadn't been dreaming maybe it was all some trick by Volto. I jumped up off the couch and I was about to go in search of Kota when I heard voices coming from the kitchen.

            "What happened Mr. Lee?" I froze at the sound of Mr. Blackbourne's voice. I started to grin at the fact that not only was he real but he was only a few feet away.

            "I don't know. I was walking Max when I saw her run out of the house down the street. It looked like she was upset and I thought about talking to her but Max's leash broke. He practically tackled her and she hit the pavement. I went to check on her and she fainted. I didn't want to take her home in case something in her house made her upset so I brought her here."

            "Wait you said she came out of one of the houses. Which one was it?" Nathan's voice emanated from the kitchen.

            "It was that gray one that’s been empty for a while but that family just bought. I was pretty surprised because I thought they only had one daughter. I think her name is Marie."

            "So if you don't know her, then who is she?" Gabriel's surprisingly deep voice rang throughout the house.

            The words that I heard next nearly knocked me over. They cut me deeper than anything Marie or my mother could ever think of to say to me. I felt my entire world begin to crumble once again with the words that came out of Kota's mouth.

            "I don't know."

            I gasped and then covered my mouth with my hand. I hoped that they hadn't heard me but I didn’t get my wish because all conversation ceased. I started to back away. I had to get out of here. I didn't think that I would be able to handle it if they didn't know who I was. Knowing that they were real had built my hopes up but realizing that they didn't know who I was crushed me. Besides if they found out how much I knew about them it would freak them out or they would think that I was a spy.

            I heard the sound of footsteps and the doorknob started to turn. I whirled around and raced away. The door opened fully just as I vaulted over the back of the couch.

            "Hey, wait!" Kota called out. I ignored him and race towards the front door. I was almost there when a pair of strong arms wrapped around me from behind. The strong scent of musk hit me and I knew that it was North. Without even thinking about it I reached up behind me and grabbed his head. I shoved my hips backward into his and flipped him over my head. He crashed to the ground and I leapt over him. Flipping him had been so instinctual that I didn't even realize that I had done it.

            I reached for the doorknob when a strong commanding voice cut through the room.

            "Stop." Mr. Blackbourne said. I immediately screeched to a stop. I didn't mean to but it was ingrained into me to listen to him. "We just want to talk to you. Its okay we aren't going to hurt you."

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