Chapter 11

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Sang's POV:

Almost a week passed with no sign of any of the boys. So with nothing to do I spent my days wandering through the forest and doing my best to avoid the other three members of my very small, very dysfunctional excuse for a family. It was actually a lot easier than you might think. My father avoided me like the plague, my mother almost never came out of her room, and Marie was never even in the house. I had recently discovered that Danielle and Derrick lived down the street just like they had in my dreams and I had the sneaking suspicion that that was where Marie disappeared to all the time.

I was beginning to grow bored since I had very little to do, until one day Marie burst into my room uninvited.

"Get up." She spat. "Dad is taking us shopping for school supplies." With that she turned around and strode out, slamming the door behind her. I was excited to have a break from doing nothing but I wasn't sure how I felt about shopping with Marie and our father. Despite my reservation about spending the afternoon with them I went ahead and got ready. Once I was finished I slipped out the door of my room and raced down the stairs and out of the house. They were both already inside the car waiting. I quickly slid inside and buckled up.

"Took you long enough." Marie hissed. My father didn't even acknowledge me as he pulled out of the driveway and headed out of the neighborhood. When we reached the store my father finally turned around to speak to us.

"I'm going to let both of you out at the door. Go in and pick out the things you need while I park the car. I will be inside at the front so come find me when you are done." We both nodded and got out. Marie disappeared the moment we passed through doors. I wandered around for a while grabbing what I needed when I came across it. I finally found myself in the section for school bags. I started to make my way down the aisle when I saw something that made me stop dead in my tracks. Right there in the middle of the aisle browsing through the bags stood North, Gabriel, and Luke. My blood turned to ice as their voices reached me.

"Why are we even over here? Our backpacks from last year are still in great condition we don't need new ones. This is just a waste of money."

Gabriel gave North the stink eye at his grumbling. "You can't just reuse the same backpack North, stop being difficult."

"Yeah North stop being difficult." Luke echoed with a grin. I started to back up hoping I could get away without being seen.

However, when North made a grab for his brother Luke ducked under his arm coming up looking right at me. I knew when his eyes widened and he stopped moving that I had been spotted. I froze and when the other two boys turned around to spot me they went still as well. As Luke took a step towards me I took a step back, turned to run, and slammed right into a rock hard chest. I would have fallen if two heavily muscled arms the size of tree trunks hadn't encircled my waist and caught me. I looked up in surprise and found myself staring into the dark eyes of a certain gentle Greek giant. I immediately squeezed my eyes shut hoping that by some chance they would all just go away. I knew the opposite had happened when I heard several more footsteps approach.

"Sang." Silas said softly. "Open your eyes." After a moment of hesitation I did as he asked. Silas was looking down at me with a deeply concerned expression on his face. My eyes darted past him to see Kota and Victor standing a few feet back with expressions that were both bewildered and concerned.

"Uh Hi guys." I squeaked out. Kota pushed his glasses up with a finger and stepped closer.

"Hey. What are you doing here?"

"Uh just um, you know, school shopping." As I answered his question I did my best to put as much distance as I could between Silas and I. Kota must have noticed this because he shot Silas a look that caused him to immediately let go.

Kota smiled at me. "Coincidently, so are we." He took a step forward so he was standing right in front of me. "Where are you going to school?"

I chewed on my lip for a moment debating whether to answer. "I think its called Ashley Waters." Kota's eyebrows shot up and several looks were exchanged around the group. 

"That's great so are we. What grade are you in?"

"I'm a sophomore." My response was met with several wide grins.

"Well at least we'll know someone our age." My mouth dropped open and my gaze shot to North and Silas both of whom were huge and could have passed for much older. Then it registered with me what else he was implying.

"Wait, are you saying that you don't know anyone there?" Kota nodded.

"This is our first year."

I frowned. "Where did you go before this?" Silent communication zinged through the group and I could tell that they were trying to figure out how much to tell me.

"Sort of a private school." Kota eventually replied.

"Sort of?" I inquired raising a single eyebrow.

He hesitated a moment. "It's complicated." 

I opened my mouth to reply when my sister came sauntering around the corner. I quickly backed away from Kota hoping I could get away before she saw me..

"I should get going. It was nice to see you all again. Bye!" With that I whirled around and took off running before anyone could stop me. I quickly located my father at the front of the store and waited with him for Marie. When she finally arrived I thought she completely ignored me like I wasn't even there. This continued the entire time we were checking out and for the ride home.

When we got back she vanished into her room slamming the door shut before I could speak to her. So I didn't know if she actually saw anything back at the store or if she did and she just didn't care. I continued on to my room and began organizing my things. Since I had run into the boys I had forgotten to get a bag I dug around in my things till I found something that would work. Maybe half an hour later once I had finished and relaxed on my bed, the door to my room flew open. My mother was standing in the doorway her face scarlet and her whole body shook. I could practically feel the fury rolling off her in waves. Terror pulsed through me and I shot up. She stormed into my room and without a word grabbed me by my shirt and dragged me off the bed and out the door. Right before she pulled me down the stairs, I caught a glimpse of Marie leaning casually against the wall with a self-satisfied smirk stretched across her face.


AUTHORS NOTE: Just wanted to say how sorry I am for taking so long to update. So many things have happened lately and I had writers block so there's that. Also I got a new puppy a couple of months ago and I guess it's like being a new mother in that my time is no longer my own. She's needy but I love her. So my apologies. Hope you enjoyed! Comments are ALWAYS appreciated!!! Thanks for reading. Love you guys!

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