Chapter 7

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"So...we're just scaring him."


"And the others are trying to kill him."

"I suppose so."

"...So aren't we just distracting him from the actual threats?"

"...Nah, he'll be fine."

Will and Charlotte had been talking back and forth while sitting in the dining room, discussing a plan of action. Will was vaguely aware of another animatronic in the room, but he ignored it. Charlotte, on the other hand, took great notice of it.

"Hey, Mangle!"

Will looked over at the animatronic, and sure enough, Mangle was hanging from the ceiling. Just staring at them.

"It's rude to stare, Mangle."

"It's r-r-rud-de to mak-ke fal-fa-false promises-ses."

Will just sighed. "You literally had to wait maybe three more days for me to get the tools, supplies, and time to fix you. Or did you forget all your friends trying to kill me? Kinda distracting when trying to fix something, isn't it?"

Mangle scoffed, but didn't say anything else. Will sat there expectantly, until Mangle spoke up again.

"Y-you going-ing to apolo-polo-gize"

Will just stared at her, before standing up and walking over to her.

"Uh oh."

"You want me to apologize...because you were impatient?"

"Y-you are the one at fault here, n-n-not me."


"You promised-ed you would fix-ix me two days ago-o."

"Now you've done it."

"I understand that, but if you'd waited until I got a paycheck so I could buy the supplies, you should have waited! Plus I don't even know where the fuck my corpse is!"

"Sounds like a y-you prob-oblem to be quite hon-n-nest."

Will made an inhaling sound, and made an exhaling sound. "Listen...if I steal some supplies from the technicians to fix you, will you be satisfied?"

Mangle thought about it for a moment, before nodding. Will sighed, and got off of his chair. "Fine...time to go breakdown in front of a bunch of children."

11 AM

Will was singing his usual song about a birthday or something, carefully watching the room. Eventually, he saw the two technicians, whatever their names are, and slowly tilted back.

I fucking hate this plan...

It was your plan to begin with.


Will started to slowly turn around on his waist-spinner...then did it again, and then again, faster and faster each time. His limbs were going haywire, and his faceplates shot open.

The kids screamed and ran from the room, while the technicians sighed and facepalmed. Will stopped as one of the technicians approached, and put him on one of those wheely-things used to move heavy things. They took him to the Parts and Service room, where one brought out his tools while another typed in a code to get into the room with all the parts. Will paid special attention to the code so he could get in later.


Got it.

The technician with the tools started talking, much to Will's annoyance. "So, how always the date, Ben?"

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