Something New

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Here's one to the coffee lovers out there.


Okay, so I decided to post this on a whim😂😂😂 because it's been a little over a year since I posted something. I was going to go in another direction (like another story I just started toying with) but here is something in the meantime.

I do hope you guys like coffee buds. Your comments on the book will be appreciated. And I sure could use some constructive critism and maybe a little bit of love? I don't know. Your choice.

If updates are taking a little longer than I intend, you can check out my dialogue book OOPSY!!! What I Do? on my profile.


I was going to come up with some cool way to sign off but umm just writing the penname will be just fine.

Apologies for the bad language in the book.😅 I forgot it was there😂😂😂

Still, enjoy.


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