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6 years ago...

"Why!? Why do you hate me?! What have I ever done to you?!" I yelled at my father, John Winchester. Just because I'm not the perfect little girl he always wanted, he treats me like I'm dirt. Yeah sure he taught me everything there is to know about hunting, but only because I wouldn't stop bugging him about it. If I wasn't learning about monsters, I was constantly being put down by him. He would always tell me what a disappointment I was to the family just because I didn't dress or act like a "good little girl" should. And ya know what? I was damn sick of it, and tonight, I finally snapped.

"Why?! You want to know why?! Because you have no respect for me, you never follow orders, and you constantly challenge me! Can't you do anything right?!" Dad yells back.

"Well apparently not since you always seem to scream at me for every little thing I do!" I yell back.

"That's because you can't do anything right!" he screams.

"Well if that's the way you feel then I'm leaving so you won't have to deal with a screw-up like me anymore!" I scream back.

"Fine. Leave and don't come back. And if I see you again, your gonna wish you were never born, girl," dad says as he leaves the motel room, slamming the door as he does.

"Lexi are you really gonna leave?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around to see my 16 year old little brother Sam standing there in his pajamas, a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry Sammy," I say. "but I just can't take it anymore. Me and dad just don't get along. It would be better if I just left so I can live my life the way I want, without having him constantly screaming at me and telling me what to do."

"I understand," he says looking down at the floor. He looks up and meets my eyes, and I can see he's close to tears. Sammy and I have always been close, same with my older brother Dean, but Sam wasn't just my little brother, he's my best friend, and Dean was out on his own hunt at the moment so that just left me and Sammy. I quickly cross the room and pull Sam into a hug.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," I say. "You have my number and in case you ever need me I'll only be a phone call away, alright?"

"Alright," he replies. I pull back from the hug just in time to see tears start to slide down Sam's face. I cup his face in the palms of my hands and gently wipe away his falling tears with my thumbs.

"Don't cry Sammy," I say. "I'll be fine, so don't worry about me." Sam brings his hands up and places them over mine.

"I know you will," he says shakily. "I just don't know what I'm gonna do without you."

"You'll be fine," I assure him. "You're strong, determined, and capable Sammy. You can make it through anything." I release his face and pull him in for another hug. I immediately feel Sam's arms wrap around me, crushing me to his chest and almost squeezing the breath right out of me. We stay in this position for several more minutes, enjoying the comfort it gives us both. All too soon, I place a gentle kiss to Sam's forehead, and pull away from our embrace, giving him a small smile as I do so. I turned and walked over to the bed and picked up my already packed suitcase. I walked toward the door and placed my hand on the handle, but before I could open the door and leave, Sam's voice stops me.

"What do I tell Dean?" he asks in a broken voice. I pause for a moment, deciding on my words.

"Tell him the truth, Sammy. Tell him exactly what happened with dad and why I left. Tell him I'm sorry and that I love him, and if he ever needs me or wants to talk, all he has to do is call. And I hope he can forgive me," I finally reply. I looked deep into Sam's eyes and said, "Remember Sammy, I love you and if you ever need me, I'll be there."

"I love you too Lexi," he says with a small smile. I smile back, all the while fighting the tears that want to fall, and with one last look at my baby brother, I open the door and walk out of the motel room, and away from one of the only people I have ever loved and cared about.
Hey guys!
First part is up! Hope you enjoyed it! The picture at the top is what I imaging Lexi to look like. Don't you just love the hair? I do! Anyway, thanks for reading and remember to like, comment, and vote!

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