Chapter 6

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"FUCK!!" I yelled as I dug the tweezers into my thigh, trying to get out the bullet that had been lodged there.
"Stupid cops with their stupid guns and their stupid bullets shooting up my stupid leg; they're all stupid," I mutter as I continue to dig in my leg, groaning in pain as I do.

It had been about a month since the whole Chicago incident and I hadn't heard anything from my family since that night. No phone call, no text message, nothing. I had no idea if any of them were okay or not and it was killing me not knowing. Man, being around Dad and the boys has made me soft, I bitterly thought.  I had never worried about their safety before we all met up, and look at me now, driving myself crazy with the thought of one of them possibly being hurt or injured.  Dean was right, we are stronger apart.

In the meantime, I had taken a case in Sand Springs, Oklahoma.  People had been going missing for about three months now; all women, all blonde, all blue eyes. The witnesses I've spoken said all three of the women who had disappeared hung around the same bar, Joey's. After doing a little more digging, I found that it was actually a demon who had a thing for blondes with blue eyes. The demon would sleep with them, torture them, then finally kill them by beheading them. Yeah, real nice guy right?

Anyway, I tracked him down to an old abandon building on the edge of the city and managed to trap and exorcise the sick bastard, but apparently someone heard all the noise me and the demon made as we were fighting and called the cops.
The police arrived right after I had finished the exorcism. I heard their loud voices and even louder boots pounding up the stairs, heading straight toward the room I was in.

Shit! I cursed in my head, while frantically searching for an exit to the small room.  I spotted a small window in the back left corner of the room and ran for it, jumping over the dead body of the previously demon-possessed man laying in the middle of the demon trap I had drawn on the floor. I tried opening the window, only to find that it was caked with dirt and rust, preventing it from moving an inch. 

"Dammit!" I cursed out loud and took a step back.  I quickly lifted my right leg and slammed it forward, right in the center of the old window, shattering it completely. Without wasting another second, I pushed the broken shards of glass to the floor and started to climb out of the window. I was almost all the way through it when the door busted open and he first cop came through. He immediately spotted me, causing me to freeze up. He raised his gun and pointed it straight at my face.

"Freeze!" He yelled. "Step away from the window and put your hands up!" He demanded. Not wanting to get caught and arrested, again, I ignored him. Yeah bad choice on my part.
As soon as I started to move, he shot my exposed right leg. I grunted in pain as I felt the ball of metal embed itself in my flesh. The force of the impact caused me to fall backwards out of the two story window, and land hard on my left shoulder. I laid on the ground, moaning in pain for a couple seconds, trying to get passed the pain emitting from my leg and shoulder, when I realized the cops were still after me.
With the threat of the cops fueling my adrenaline, I rolled over onto my feet and, clutching my probably dislocated shoulder, limped as fast as I could to my car. Thankfully, I was already close to it so I didn't have to go far. I decided to drive around the city for about an hour just to make sure I had lost any cops that were tailing me, then made my way back to my motel. 
*End Flashback*

I finally found the bullet and quickly remove it from my thigh. I shuttered and took a drink from the whisky bottle next to me before pouring some on the wound, wincing as the alcohol made contact with it. I groan loudly from the pain in my leg and shoulder, which I had managed to put back in place, and, taking another drink of the liquor, grab the first aid kit I had placed on the nightstand next to the bed before I had started to dig around in my flesh. I grabbed the needle and thread and took a deep, steadying breath before I began the grueling process of stitching the bullet wound closed.

After a painful five minutes, the wound was all stitched up. I tightly wrapped the bullet wound with gauze before sitting back to try and regulate my breathing. Damn that hurt like a bitch I thought.

I run a tired hand through my hair, taking note of how long it is; my black and red hair was almost down to my shoulders now. I should probably get it cut soon I think and make a mental note to cut it later. I grab the whisky bottle and take another drink, my thoughts wandering to my family, more specifically my father. It had been a few weeks since Chicago, and his words still haunted me.
Why were you trying to find me?
To tell you I'm sorry.
Why the hell had he wanted to apologize to me? He HATES me for crying out loud! Why would he want to make nice with me after all this time? It doesn't make any sense. Was he possessed or something? Oh God! We never checked him! I could have been talking to a demon and I didn't even realize it! Just as I'm about to have a full on panic attack, I realize something; Dad may be a bastard and a horrible father, but he isn't stupid. He would have taken measures to ensure that he wouldn't ever get possessed. With this comforting thought, I down the rest of the whisky and relax into the pillows of my bed, taking full advantage of this rare moment of peace.

Being a hunter was tough. We were constantly on the move, fighting monsters, running from cops, scamming credit card companies for cards, hustling pool for money, and just trying to survive another day. I couldn't get close with anybody because I would either end up leaving them or getting them killed; either way friends were out of the question for me, never mind dating. Sometimes it gets lonely, but hey, someone has to do the job. Someone has to protect and save people, and I guess the job falls to me.

My phone ringing brought me out of my deep thoughts. I glanced at the screen only to see the name of someone that I hadn't spoken to in years. Setting aside the empty whisky bottle, I picked up my phone and hit the answer button.

"I was beginning to think you forgot I existed Bobby," I spoke with a small smile on my face. "what do you need?"

"Its not what I need kid, it's what your family needs," he replied in his gruff voice. I froze at his words and slowly sat up on my bed.

"What happened?" I asked in a small voice, afraid of the answer.

"The boys and your daddy were in an accident."


Uh, hi?

Yes I know its been a while, yes this chapter is a filler, and yes I know I'm a horrible person for not updating, but hey, at least I'm back! The next chapter will for sure be longer but I wanted to get something up for you guys now.

Thank you guys so much for 255 reads and 16 votes! It means a lot so thank you!

The picture at the top is Bobby calling Lex.

This chapter is dedicated to grafscott for finally reading my story so thanks!

Again, sorry to keep you all waiting so long for this update but I had stuff going on so yeah. Thanks again and don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

Thanks guys!


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