Chapter 3

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I coughed and sputtered trying to clear my throat of the holy water that had been thrown in my face. I wiped my eyes and looked up to see the culprit.

"Dean you asshole!" I screamed at my big brother. "I'm not a goddam demon!" Dean smirked, succeeding in pissing me off further.

"Just had to be sure little sister," he replied. Dean looked a bit different from the last time I saw him. He was slightly taller and had more muscle. His face looked harder, probably from all the terrifying hunts he's been on, and overall he just looked older. There were some things that hadn't changed, like his bright green eyes, dirty blond hair, and sprinkle of freckles across his nose. he was dressed in his old leather jacket with a dark blue plaid shirt and a black short sleeved t-shirt underneath it. He was also wearing a pair of jeans and a pair of combat boots with the necklace Sam got him when we were younger. "Well I'm clearly not a demon so can I come in now?" I asked, becoming even more angry.
"Yeah sure Lex. We got stuff to talk about anyway," he replied while walking back into the motel room. I sighed, same old Dean. No crappy chick flick moments, just getting right down to business.
"Oh and Lex?" Dean turned around. "I'm glad you're here," he said with a small smile.
"Thanks Dean. I'm glad to be back," I replied with a smile of my own. He nodded, still smiling, and walked back into the room. I turned back around to look at Sam.
"Hey could you get my bag out of the car?" I asked tossing him the keys to my baby. "It's sitting in the back seat."
"Sure, be right back," he said, then turned and walked out to my car. I turned back around and walked into the motel room. It was a double room with two single beds. There were empty take out containers and beer bottles everywhere with research books, along with Sam's laptop, covering the table that was up against the screen dividing the small kitchen from the sleeping area. All in all, though it had weird stains on the wall and a strange smell in the air, it was a decent room. Dean walked out of the small bathroom that was right next to the kitchen and threw a towel at me.
"Here," he said as I caught it.
I smiled at him and said, "Thanks." Dean just nodded in response. After a few seconds of awkward silence and me drying my face and hair, I decided to break he ice.

"So watcha got so far?" I asked Dean who had sat down at the small table.
"Well I made a few calls and found out this shadow thing we found is called a Daeva," Dean says.
"Daeva?" I asked confused. "What the hell is that and how do we kill it?"
"Its a type of Zoroastrian demon," he replied. "The first two victims were ripped to shreads, their hearts were even missing so we thought it was a werewolf, but the lunar cycles didn't match up. So when Sammy and I went to check out the apartment of one of the victims, we saw that the blood splatters on the floor formed some kind of sigil. I made some calls and Caleb just called me back a few hours ago explaining what it ment. It was a sigil for a Daeva."
"Okay, so how do we kill it?" I asked again.
"Were not sure," said Sam walking in with my duffel bag and setting it on one of the beds.
"What do you mean your not sure?" I asked confused.
"Well according to all the legends we've read, Daevas can't manifest without shadows, so I guess light equals no Daeva," Dean answers.
"And there is one other thing," Sam starts. "We think that this Daeva is being controlled by someone."
"Um okay, by who and why?" I asked.
"By this creepy hot chick Sam knows named Meg and we're not sure why," Dean says bluntly. I turned and raised an eyebrow at Sam.
"And how do you know this crazy chick?" I ask him. Sam shifts his feet uncomfortably.
"I-it doesn't matter how I know her, I just do," he says. He was clearly hiding something but I decided to let it slide for now. I'll figure out what it is later. I turned back to Dean.
"Alright so what's the plan?" I asked.
"Alright there she goes," Dean said. I turned my head slightly to look over my shoulder and I saw a young woman with darker eyes and short blond hair enter a side door to an old abandon warehouse. We had been following this girl since she had left her apartment an hour ago. She didn't seem like the evil Daeva summoning type, but hey, who am I to judge. I don't seem like the type of chick to hunt monsters for a living. As the door closed, Dean turned to me.
"Alright here's the plan," he starts. "Sammy and I will go in first and try to stop her and gank those evil sons of bitches. Then after ten minutes, you follow us in. We'll be on the top floor of the building."
"Wait, why do I have to follow you guys in?" I ask offended.
"Because you are our secret weapon," he replies with a smirk. Secret weapon my ass, I think. He just doesn't want me to get hurt, overprotective big brother.
I sigh, and give in; once Dean's made up his mind, there's no changing it. "Fine," I concede. "but next time, I go in with you two idiots."
"Fine," Dean agrees.
"Remember, ten minutes, then I'm comin in," I reminded them. Sam smiles at me and Dean just sighs.
"Yeah yeah," is the only response I get from the two. I smile fondly at my brothers as I watch them adjust the bags they carried on their backs and enter the door to the warehouse. As soon as the door shut behind them, I started counting the ten minutes in my head. After only seven minutes, I heard a slight commotion from inside the warehouse. It sounded like bodies being slammed against a wall. Most people wouldn't be able to hear it, but after years of hunting, all of my senses have become fine tuned and sharper. I decided to skip the rest of the counting and follow my idiot brothers. I silently walk up the the warehouse door and, after looking to make sure nobody was watching me, I opened it and went inside.

The interior of the building was old and it was too dark to see five feet in front of me, let alone anything. I quickly pulled out my pocket flashlight and looked around. There was an old set of stairs leading upwards and an abandoned elevator shaft with no car in it. Not wanting to risk being caught vulnerable and open on the stairs, I opted for the elevator shaft. I walked over and observed the old shaft. Like I saw before, there was no car in it, just the cables that moved the car to different levels in the building. I sighed.
"Guess I'm climbing," I muttered under my breath. I adjusted the bag of weapons I was carrying on my back, making sure it wouldn't fall off as I climbed. Once I was sure it was secure, I grabbed the cables in my hand and hoisted myself up, slowly ascending the elevator shaft. I huffed out a long breath after a few minutes of climbing. I turned my head and looked down to see how far I've climbed and saw that I was only about 20 feet off the ground. I turned my head back up and looked at the rest of the shaft before me. I had at least another six floors to go and my muscles in my arms were already strained and tired. I sighed. "This might take awhile."
Hi guys!
First I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads and votes! I just looked today and we are at 102 reads and 10 votes?! You guys have no idea how much this means to me so thank you so much!!!!
Like I said in the last author's note, my exams are coming up in the next two weeks so I probably won't update until they are over. Like I said in the beginning, school comes first.
The picture at the top is Dean right after he splashed holy water on Lex's face. This chapter is dedicated to everdeensalvatore, book_godess_fangirl, and cookie4311. Thank you guys for reading and voting!
Thank you guys for being patient with me. I'll try to update one more time during the next two weeks but I can't make any promises. In the meantime, don't forget to read and vote!
Thanks guys!

The Forgotten Winchesterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें