Chapter 7

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My blood ran cold and my body seemed to shut down.  Bobby's words kept ringing in my head.
The boys and your daddy were in an accident, the boys and your daddy were in an accident, the boys and your daddy were in an accident, the boys and your daddy were in an accident...

It took me a full minute to fully process what Bobby had told me.  My brothers and my father had all been in an accident.  Bobby was the one calling me about it.  That means something is seriously wrong with them.  They could all be seriously injured, or worse, dead. 

"What the hell happened Bobby," I asked in cold voice.
"From what I gathered from Sam-,"
"Sam's okay?" I interrupted him. Sammy called Bobby and not me? Why? I wondered feeling a bit hurt. Bobby sighed before replying.
"Yeah, he's alright," he replies. "Now would ya quit interuptin' and let me finish?" I wince at his hard words but comply nonetheless.
"Sorry Bobby," I apologize. "Yeah, well anyway, they had been running from some demon that had been chasing them when a possessed truck driver slammed into the side of the car," he gruffly replied. If I wasn't already in shock, I definitely was now. A demon was responsible for my family's accident.  A demon?  We hunt these evil sons of bitches for a living!  How the hell did they manage to piss off a demon that bad?!  What the heck were they doing?!
"Where the hell are they Bobby?"
"What the Hell happened?!" I scream at Dad as soon as I entered the hospital room.  He looked okay except for the cuts and bruises on his face and his arm in a sling. After learning their location from Bobby, I packed up my motel room as fast as I could and sped all the way to their hospital in Jefferson City, Missouri.  Luckily I was only about five hours away from them, but since I sped the entire way there, I made it to the hospital in just under two.  I had even called Sammy on the way demanding answers.
I was upset, no angry, no pissed, wait confused, oh God! I don't even know right now! I just want answers! Why the hell had a demon put my family in the hospital? What were they doing? Why didn't they call me for help? All these questions and more were running through my mind as I picked up my phone to call the one person who could hopefully give me some answers. The phone rang a few times before he finally picked up.
"Hey lex," Sammy casually answered. I couldn't help but get angry at him.
"Hey lex? Hey lex? That's all you have to say to me! What about "sorry for not calling to tell you that we were hunting a dangerous demon with dad and now we're all in the hospital" how bout that Sam! Do you have any idea how worried I was? I didn't hear from any of you for a month! A month! I had no freaking idea if you guys were even alive, and then, as I'm finishing my own hunt and tending my wounds, Bobby calls to tell me that you all were in an accident and in the hospital! What the hell Sam?!" I ranted.
"Look I wanted to call you I really did," he shouts back angrily. "but Dean and Dad thought it was too dangerous!"
"Why the fuck would they think it's too dangerous for me to help them?" I retort just as angrily.
"I don't know! Dad didn't want you to come and he somehow managed to convince Dean too!"
"Wait, where is Dean anyway? Bobby didn't tell me anything about him. Is he okay?" I asked.  He didn't answer.  Sam was silent for a good ten seconds before I finally snapped.
"Sam I swear to God if-"
"He's not dead," Sam interrupted me.  "But he's not completely okay either."
"Sam, what's wrong with Dean?" I softly asked, afraid of the answer. Sam sighed heavily through the phone before answering me.
"Dean's in a coma Lex, and the Doctor said he might never wake up." 
"W-what do you mean?  Like is he-"
"He's completely out Lex, and he hasn't been showing signs of waking up anytime soon either," Sam replies in a defeated tone. 
"Well there has gotta be something we can do!  Anything!" I desperately try to think of anything that could possibly save my big brother, but come up empty. 
"Believe me Lex, if there is something we can do, I'll find it," Sam assures me in a determined voice.  I pause before asking my next question.
"What the heck were you guys doing?"  Sam once again hesitates before answering.

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