Chapter 10

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When Sam entered the room again, he looked pissed.

"What did Dad say?" I asked him without taking my eyes off of Dean. Sam's tone was angry when he answered.

"Nothing. He wasn't there." I shifted my attention to Sam.

"What do you mean he wasn't there? He's missing?"

"Looks like it," said Sam as he sat in the other chair by Dean's head. Only then did I notice that he carried Dad's journal with him. I decided not to comment on it until he calmed down.

"Damn it, not again," I muttered as I looked back to Dean's still form. Sam and I sat in silence for a full minute before he cleared his throat to get my attention. I snapped my head up and looked at him expectantly.

"So, I got Dad's journal," he begins, "so who knows? Maybe there's something here. You know to help with Reapers." I think for a minute. Did Dad ever write anything about Reapers? Only one way to find out...

I sigh and rise out of my seat, the first time I've done so in two hours, and walk over to Sam's side of the bed.

"Only one way to find out Sammy," I respond, throwing a quick smirk at Sam. He gives me one of his bitch-faces then turns back to Dad's journal. As he flips through the wrinkled pages, I squat down next to him to better see the pages myself. Sam finally finds the right page in the journal; "Reapers" being the title on the page.

"Yahtzee," I muttered when I saw the title. Sam gives a chuckle and lightly shakes his head at me. I lightly shove his arm in retaliation and give him an affectionate smile. Before he notices, I turn back to the journal and start to read all about Reapers.


We found nothing in the journal. Absolutely nothing. I left Sam in Dean's room. He seemed like he needed to be alone for a bit, so I decided to give him some space and go get some food. I couldn't stand hospital food, but there was no way in hell I was leaving as long as Dean was still here, so I just had to deal with it this time. I walked into the hospital cafeteria and made my way to the food counter. I decided to take a chance and order an burger and fries. After paying with one of my, uh "pre-paid" credit cards, I sat down to enjoy my "meal." I picked up my fork and carefully poked the meat of the burger with it, not making any impressions in the burger's flesh. I put down the fork in disgust.

"Dean, when you wake up, you owe me real food," I muttered as I gazed at the plastic-looking sandwich in front of me. As I was contemplating weather or not I was going to eat the nasty thing, I was interrupted by the shrill guitar of Eddie Van Halen coming from my phone. I pulled it out and checked the caller ID and, seeing it was Sammy, quickly answered it.

"Sam?" I question. All I can hear in the background is various voices speaking to each other in loud and panicked tones. Even before Sam responded, I was out of my chair, nasty food forgotten, and running back to Dean's room.

"Lexi get up here, now," he demanded. "It's Dean." My heart stopped and for a split second I thought the worst until Sammy spoke again.

"He's awake."


"I can't explain it." the doctor exclaimed the next morning. "The edema's vanished. The internal contusions are healed. Your vitals are good. You have some kind of angel watching over you." He says to Dean.

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