Chapter 1 Escape

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Eight year old Antoinette cowered in the corner of her closet. Her mother had been buried today. She was gone and now Tawny, as her mother had called her, was all alone. It was alone and afraid that she listened to the last mourner tell her step father Andrew goodbye. As the last car drove away Tawny cowered further into the closet this was it he was coming and this time her mother wasn't there to save her.

Andrew Blake turned slowly from the door. He swayed as he reached for yet another beer. It was all Antoinette's fault in his mind, never mind the fact that the girl had gone above and beyond the job of an eight year old child trying to save her mother's life, to Andrew everything was her fault. He glared through the floorboards before tossing his now empty can in the trash and reaching for another. As he staggered slowly up the stairs he grinned maliciously. He'd teach that ungrateful little brat.

"Girl!! Where are you hiding!? Get out here!" He shouted angrily.

Tawny shivered in fear and tried to make herself as small as possible. Her dearest wish was to become invisible. 'Mamma why'd you have to leave me?' She thought desperately. Her step father had always been a cruel man but in the past her mother had always saved her in the end. Tawny didn't know how far he'd go with no one here to stop him. Would she die tonight?

Her bedroom door flew open slamming loudly against the wall behind it. Antoinette bit her knuckles to keep from yelping in fear. Heavy footsteps searched her room before settling at the closet door.

"Come out and learn your lesson you pathetic little thing" his angry voice growled before the door was thrown open. His beefy hand wrapped tightly around Tawny's thin arm and she was launched from the closet to the floor of her room.

"P-P-Please" Tawny's terrified shaky voice begged. "P-Please I-I'm s-sorry I-I-I'm s-sorry." but it was no use. Blows rained down on her small body. Tawny tried not to cry out knowing that would only encourage him. He enjoyed her pained cries he relished in them. After what seemed like ages and innumerable blows he paused. Tawny faught to stay awake thankfully all his drinking was catching up to him and he staggered from the room.

"We'll continue this tomorrow." He slurred as he left the battered girl.

Tawny lay crying softly for a time before forcing herself to a sitting position. She was lucky tonight he couldn't continue the beating as inebriated as he was but tomorrow she wouldn't be as lucky. Suddenly Tawny's mind came to a realization, if she didn't run right now she'd never get another chance she'd be dead by the next night.

She shook from exertion as she forced her week limbs to stand. Grabbing her backpack Tawny threw in her warmest sweater two shirts and jeans several socks and her stuffed wolf her mother had given her as a baby. She stumbled to her nightstand grabbing her mother's locket and shoving it into her coat pocket. She paused momentarily debating the merits of sneakers versus boots before tying her sneakers to her bag and pulling the boots on. Tawny took one last look at her room before wrapping her blanket around her slim shoulders hefting her bag and slipping quietly out the door into the cold Chicago night.

-3 years later-

Tawny ran through Boston her feet slapping the pavement in her too large shoes she'd found in a dumpster. Some well meaning person had notified the police of the poor little girl on her own. She knew what they'd do they'd send her back to her stepdad. It had happened before she'd narrowly escaped slipping out the door just as he'd arrived. As she rounded a corner she ran straight into a police man. She jerked away from him instantly changing directions. As she tried to leave she felt a tug only to realize the man had grabbed ahold of her stuffed wolf.

"Let go!" She yelled as she kicked him hard in his shins. The police man yelped and let the wolf go allowing the young girl to escape. She dove into the first hiding place she found and waited slowing her breath as best she could she held her things against her protectively. 'Looks like it's time to find a new home again' she thought to herself.

As Tawny tucked her belongings back into her bag again, she hadn't had a chance to do it properly when the cops showed up, she took a moment to hug her wolf tightly thinking of her mother. "I miss you momma, I wish you hadn't left me." she whispered close to tears. As she went to tuck wolfy into the bag she noticed in the scuffle with the cop a seam had come loose. Tawny let out a distressed sound. "Stupid man!" She hissed quietly. As she looked closely at her beloved stuffed toy Tawny realized there was something hidden inside. She gingerly pulled out a folded square of paper, unfolding it she recognized her mother's handwriting.

"Dear Tawny, hi baby girl. If you're reading this then either you've found the note before I intended, you always were great at finding things, or I'm gone. I'm so sorry baby for everything. Today is your eighth birthday and I've just received some bad news I'm dying and there's nothing they can do. There's some things I want you to know little one, you're so brilliant and so strong more than anyone I've ever known don't doubt yourself your momma always believed in you. I love you more than anything in this world you're the reason I get up in the morning you're my best friend and I wish I could see you grow into the amazing woman I know you'll become.

Now for the hard part...Tawny im so sorry, more than I can really say here, I lied to you. When you were six and I told you your dad had died before you were born I lied. Your biological father is a very wealthy man and I was scared that's my only excuse. I'm sorry baby but your father and I came together for one night and that was the end I didn't think he'd want you but on the chance he did I was terrified he'd be able to take you all to himself. So I didn't tell him and I lied to you and I'm so sorry. If you choose to look for him I hope it ends how you would like. You dad's name is Tony Stark I'm sure he's still all over the news so you shouldn't have any trouble finding him.

I truly am sorry and I love you more than anything goodbye baby."

Tawny felt tears rolling down her cheeks as she read her mother's letter. She sat quietly absorbing the knowledge she'd just learned. Her father wasn't dead! Maybe she didn't have to be alone!? Maybe he'd take her in? One could only hope right? Tawny peeked out of her hiding place cautiously and then took off. It was time to say goodbye to Boston and head to Stark industries. "New York here I come! I hope you're ready to be a dad Tony."


Hello peoples I'm starting my second fanfiction I've been going over this idea for a while it made it really difficult to finish my last story lol so here I am writing it down. I always love feedback (rarely get it if my last story is any indication) but would love to. Anyway this is chapter one im off to write the second now laters.

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