Chapter 14 Party time

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Tony dropped down heavily on the couch next to Tawny. "Hey kid what's up?"

"Nuttin" she mumbled poking at her sneaker.

"Oh come on something's wrong I can tell." He poked her ribs, "tell me."

"Unt uh"

He poked her again, "telllllll...?"


"Tell me!" He said pinning her to the couch and tickling here mercilessly.

Tawny squealed and giggled as she squirmed on the couch trying to get away. "No stop stop!" She giggled breathlessly.

"Tell me. Tell me. Tell me." Tony chanted punctuating each word with tickles.

"Fine ok fine I'll talk!!" She squealed.

Tony laughed and pulled her up and into his side his arm wrapped around her. "Ok short stuff talk."

"It's mu bhdxd" she mumbled unintelligibly.

"What was that?" Tony questioned raising his hand as if threatening her with more tickling.

"Today, today's my b-birthday." She replied quietly, "it al-always makes me think of m-my mom. We were going to go to dinner just us for my birthday b-before she got sick. w-we never g-got to do that, h-he w-wouldn't let us, but he was g-going out of t-town. She died about a w-week later" she whispered sadly.

Tony held her close attempting to comfort her, "so how old are you today? We've all been guessing."

Tawny giggled softly. "Eleven I'm e-eleven today."

"Well kiddo im sure it's not as good as it would be if I could give you your mom but how bout we all go out for your birthday?" Tony offered.

"R-really?!" She asked perking up some.

"Definitely let's go." Tony pulled her to her feet. "Jarvis please broadcast us to the others." He looked to Tawny, "go ahead kiddo."

"Avengers-" Tawny began grinning.

"And miss Potts-" Tony added in,

"And Loki!" Tawny added causing Tony to chuckle.

"Assemble!" They said in unison


They were seated around a table in the back room of a quiet restaurant chattering happily. tony stood and cleared his throat, " everyone, everyone hello. We are here to celebrate the amazing little short stack we know as Tawny's birthday." Tawny giggled at his antics but he continued, "now Tawny here hasn't been very forthcoming about herself," Tony glared at her playfully, "so many of us were unprepared for the grand occasion. Thankfully I've got everyone covered" he boasted, "here you go happy birthday kid."

Tony handed the girl a small box wrapped messily in an old blueprint with wire instead of string.

"Tony!" Bruce scolded taking the gift and removing the wire before returning it to Tawny, "wire's not exactly a good present wrapping material for a child."

"That's why we have you Bruce." Tony replied shrugging, "open it kid."

Tawny looked up with tears in her eyes, "y-you got me a present? I-I haven't had a present since..."

"Yeah well now you do." Tony interrupted his voice catching suspiciously.

Tawny dropped the unopened gift and wrapped her arms tightly around Tony. "Thank you." she whispered with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah sure," Tony said gruffly fighting to control the emotions her gratitude drew up in him. "Open it now I can't wait any more!"

Tawny pulled back a watery smile on her face. She gently tugged the taped edges up revealing the box underneath. Opening the box she uncovered a necklace with what looked like a small arc reactor.

"Now it won't actually power anything, well except itself it lights up, but I thought you'd like it." Tony told her smiling.

"Thank you so much Tony!" Tawny said hugging him once again, "I love it!"

Everyone stared at her in shock, she hadn't stuttered. She'd been doing it less and less lately but that was the first complete sentence she'd managed without a single stutter.

"What?" She asked puzzled at everyone's stares.

"Nothing" they chorused together.

"Ummmm ok?" She said giving them a weird look.


It was late in the evening when Tony carried a half asleep Tawny from the car to her room, Pepper right behind him.

"Hey kiddo can you wake up for a second?" Tony whispered as he lay her on her bed.

"Hmmm?" Tawny mumbled sleepily.

"Well nanna called the other day, she'll be coming home in about a week." Tony began quietly.

"Oh.." Tawny mumbled suddenly looking sad, "well it's good she's gotten better."

"Oh definitely, yes." Pepper agreed.

"Thing is..." Tony began nervously, " see we've all gotten kinda used to having you around. We were hoping, wondering Pepper and I, if maybe you'd wanna stay here? With us?"

"Really!?" Tawny squealed happily looking from Pepper to Tony.

"Yes really." Pepper replied laughing.

"We uh," Tony rubbed the back of his hair, "we kinda like you.."

For the third time that night Tawny threw herself into Tony's arms. "Thank you thank you thank you!!" She squealed hugging him tightly.

"Sure kid." Tony replied squeezing her close.

"This was my best birthday ever! I love you Tony." She whispered into his shoulder.

"You too kid." Tony choked out.


Yay another chapter I am on a roll! Comment peoples I love to hear what you think!

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